Prayer for those struggling during the holidays

The TV shows me how it ought to be:
my house a perfect present, tied up in bows and wreaths,
my kitchen redolent with the smell of good things,
my tree abundantly decked, gifts abundant, cheer overflowing.
But I don’t feel any of that. I’m sorry. I wish I felt merry,
but it is all too much for me. Too many expectations.
Not enough joy. There is no celebration in my soul.
I turn to You, source of meaning, knower of sorrow.
Remind me in ways both big and small that none of this needs to be.
All You ask for is a plain and open heart, for just a little room
in the stable of my being, to be born again.
Nothing much. Nothing that costs. Just space.
Here I am, God. Move into me and make a home.
Let us be enough for each other this season.
I ask not for perfection, but only for peace.
I await You. Amen.
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