Site author

Sister Joseph Eleanor Ryan

Content written by Sister Joseph Eleanor


Christmas Prayer

‘O, may His holy Coming make all your New Year bright!’



These Woods are Thine

These woods are thine, O Lord,This Home,Whose deep foundation is Thy Providence,Whose walls are Peace;Where Grace glows like a kindled lamp within,And shadows cease. These woods are thine, O Lord;Make all who walk thereinWorthy to walk with Thee;Let them recall that Death, and Sin,Life, and Redemption, came to usUpon a Tree!


Sister Joseph Eleanor lived from 1909 to 1991. She ministered as a teacher at schools in Illinois, Indiana and Maryland. She also taught at Providence Juniorate/Aspirancy. From 1978 to 1985, she undertook the task to research material for the cause for sainthood of Mother Theodore, resulting in the Positio of Mother Theodore Guerin, written in English, French, Italian and Latin. In 1989, she was named the vice postulator for the cause of Mother Theodore.

Sister Joseph Eleanor was known as a poet and our Archives Department has many volumes of her poetry.