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Jason Moon

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Content written by Jason
The Sisters of Providence go to St. Patrick School
Sisters discuss vocations with school’s female students during National Catholic Schools Week
Sister Regina Therese Shaughnessy
Known for being “tough” and “running a tight ship in the classroom,” Regina is also remembered as having a “softer, compassionate side.”
2015 Providence Food Pantry update
‘This is God’s work and we are only His support team.’
Experiencing change through the Woods
Many people find something special at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. One staff member shares how working for the Sisters of Providence has been a blessing for him and for his family.
A fresh connection
Thanks to a national program and a pair of keen eyes, students at St. Patrick’s School in Terre Haute, Indiana, have an opportunity to eat fresh, organic vegetables from White Violet Center for Eco-Justice during lunch.
Sister Francis Edwards receives ‘Friend of Nursing’ award
College honors Sister Francis during pinning ceremony
Food Pantry receives donation
Pantry is one of several organizations to receive donations from local civic group
Twenty-one Sisters of Providence celebrate Senior Jubilees
Celebration took place Tuesday, Dec. 8
Sister Marceline Mattingly turns 100!
As she entered Providence Dining Room, Sister Marceline Mattingly had a gleam in her eyes. She glanced around the dining hall as several Sisters of Providence and staff members were arriving in preparation for a celebration. Monday, Nov. 23, was Sister Marceline’s special day as she celebrated her 100th birthday! “It has finally arrived,” Sister…
175th Foundation Day Mass
The Sisters of Providence celebrated the 2015 Foundation Day on Oct. 22 – which coincided with the conclusion of their 175th year of history at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Below are some photographs from the event.
Sister Joni becomes who God created her to be as a Sister of Providence
“You enter community and spend three years learning who you are,” Sister Joni said. “The masks that we build start to peel away and you become the person God created you to be.” In her new ministry Sister Joni is reconnecting Saint Patrick School in Terre Haute with the Sisters of Providence, the order that founded the school in 1882.
Jason Moon serves as media relations manager for the Sisters of Providence. Previously, he spent more than 16 years in the newspaper industry.