Food Pantry receives donation

Those receiving donations raised by the Miracle on 7th Street downtown festival included (from left) Max Jones for the Tribune Star Christmas Basket Fund, Nikki Fuhrmeister for CASA Kids, Judy Hogan of St. Benedict’s Soup Kitchen, Bill Felts of the 14th and Chestnut Community Center and Sister Joseph Fillenwarth of Providence Food Pantry. Not pictured: Representatives from The Salvation Army. Photo provided by Mark Solesky
Thanks to a local civic group, Providence Food Pantry recently received a generous donation.
The pantry – a ministry of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods – received a $1,500 donation during a check presentation at the Ohio Building in downtown Terre Haute offered by Miracle on 7th Street on Wednesday, Dec. 16.
Since 2008, the group has conducted a festival during the Christmas season. Funds raised from the festival are donated to various programs to help those in need.
This year, the group gave out $10,000 in donations to the Grumbling Tummies program at the 14th and Chestnut Community Center, Providence Food Pantry, St. Benedict’s Soup Kitchen, The Tribune Star Christmas Basket Fund, The Salvation Army and the Vigo County Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Kids program.
Providence Food Pantry Director Sister Joseph Fillenwarth said she did not expect to receive the donation. In fact, she said she was notified about it during the morning of Wednesday, Dec. 16.
“We didn’t know,” Sister Joseph said. “We were very surprised.”
Sister Joseph said the donation will be used entirely for food and it could not have come at a better time. She said in November, the pantry served the most families it has ever had, totaling 355.
“We have a feeling of gratitude,” Sister Joseph said. “God is the provider and He has invited us to share in the work with Him.”
The pantry – located at 707 W. National Ave., West Terre Haute – is open from 8 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., every Thursday. However, Sister Joseph said the pantry will also be open from 8 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., on Wednesday, Dec. 23.
Sponsors of the pantry include The Helping Hands, First Assembly of God Church, Bethany United Church of Christ, Bethesda United Methodist Church, Christ United Methodist Church, First United Methodist Church, Smith Park United Methodist Church, St. Mark’s United Church of Christ, St. Mary’s Village Parish, Emmanuel United Methodist Church, The Sisters of Providence and West Terre Haute IGA.
For more information, call Sister Joseph at 812-535-2544 or email