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Sister Denise Wilkinson

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Content written by Sister Denise
Comforting prayer
I’ve been a devoteé of the prayer of the rosary since I was a grade-schooler. I still pray the rosary (or most of it) nightly. I have even learned the Luminous mysteries introduced by Pope Benedict XV.
If you are of a certain age
Subject line of a recent email I received: “Those Under 55 Simply Won’t Understand.” Being a good deal over 55, I confidently opened the email to see photos of a Toni Perm kit; a ball and jacks; one of those party favors that popped open and spilled confetti all over the place; a bottle of…
Mother’s Day reflection: God’s grace and love help mothers “do it”
Sister Denise Wilkinson, general superior of the Sisters of Providence, encourages mothers and the important job of raising children. She references Our Lady of Providence and the relocation of her national shrine in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, as a source of strength and hope.
Easter reminds us that death is not the end
Sister Denise Wilkinson shares a recent experience that she had in Taiwan, related to Good Friday and Easter.
A positive way to approach Lent
A quote from Ilia Delio, OSF, a contemporary theologian, both challenges and stirs a sense of excitement within Sister Denise Wilkinson, general superior, as she begins to prepare for Lent and the practices of prayer and action that would help me choose “in love and for love” for the good of the whole. She shares her reflection with us just in time for Ash Wednesday.
A Valentine’s Day reflection for 2014
Sister Denise Wilkinson, general superior, asks us “how are our hearts physically and/or metaphorically,” this Valentine’s Day? How will we answer?
String pulled on the Ginkgo tree this week
My favorite tree – and I have hundreds to choose from here at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods – is the huge Ginkgo tree in front of Corbe House, where I live.
The tree is huge! Sister Rose Ann Eaton and I just went out to measure the circumference of the trunk – 205 inches! While engaged in this pursuit, Rose told me a story she had heard from Sister Marceline Mattingly now in her nineties. Marceline remembers when the Ginkgo tree had only a single trunk. A storm broke the tree down near its base. As the tree regrew, it developed the multiple trunks very evident today. The tree’s shaggy bark, many trunks melding into one another and the sheer width of the branches lend distinctiveness, character and interest to “my” tree.
Providence Associates’ Commitment and Renewal Liturgy reflection
We know the love Jesus has for us is marked by compassion, inclusiveness, healing actions and often seemingly impossible challenges – like turning the other check, walking the extra mile, laying down one’s life not just for friends but for those we call our enemies. That’s how we are to love one another.
Oil testing, drilling at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods
Our current culture seems to tell us life’s struggle is all about good vs. evil and black-and-white decisions. The reality is that the hardest choices are those that aren’t clear-cut.
They’re the ones you can argue from either side but eventually must make based on only a slight edge. That is the kind of choice the Sisters of Providence had to make about whether to test for and drill for oil on our motherhouse land.
An exchange with my godson
My almost-19-year-old godson began his college career this autumn. Every once in a while it occurs to me I can text him to let him know I’m thinking of, praying for and sending him love. (He texts in complete words for my sake.)
Saint Mother Theodore’s feast day
Happy Feast Day! How wonderful to celebrate once again and with one another our very own saint! We here at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods are so fortunate to walk where she walked, to have so many reminders of her all around us – the log cabin chapel, remembrance rock near the grotto, her shrine. We have our…
Joyful experience in Taiwan
Two of the most privileged and sacred moments I enjoy in my ministry as general superior are receiving the vows of our newer members and praying the blessing prayer at the funeral of a deceased Sister of Providence. Each experience touches me deeply and evokes feelings of profound wonder and gratitude.
I’m thinking the above because I just returned from Taiwan and first profession of vows of one our Asian novices. What a joyful experience!
Sister Denise was the general superior of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods from 2006-2016. She previously served as a high school teacher, college administrator, postulant/novice director and director of advancement and communications for the Congregation. Currently, Sister Denise serves the Congregation in various volunteer positions.
Sister profile
To learn more about Sister Denise, view her sister profile page.