Site author

Sister Denise Wilkinson

Content written by Sister Denise


Grandma’s rituals: Holy Week & Easter 2013

I approach the assignment of writing a reflection for Easter with more than a little trepidation. The resurrection of Jesus is the key mystery of our faith; it is the lynchpin from which all other teachings and living of our Catholic faith derive. I am no theologian; I am simply a person who, like most…



Be kind. It’s bumpy out there.

Evidently I had too much time on my hands while preparing to write about Random Acts of Kindness Day. I got to thinking: isn’t any act of kindness random — by definition? Kindness — according to Jesus — flows outward to everyone. It’s not selective, not exclusionary and not judgmental. While we can plan random…



Love’s faithfulness: Ash Wednesday & Valentine’s Day 2013

The proximity in dates of Chinese New Year, Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day has caused challenges in both my “employments” within our local community of Corbe House and in my writing assignments from our Director of Marketing and Communications. At home, I have responsibility for our chapel and dining room; and I love to decorate…



Hopelessness is not an option in the face of this evil

Those of you who know the Sisters of Providence know that one of the social justice issues to which we dedicate ourselves is working to end human trafficking. We began these efforts in earnest last year when Indianapolis hosted the 2012 Superbowl. This event opened our eyes to the extent of this evil practice. Alert…



Coming of age with Vatican II

On Sept. 12, 1963, the Sisters of Providence welcomed 58 of us as postulants. We arrived with a small black suitcase and a foot locker filled with a variety of personal supplies, regulation nightgowns, black stockings, nun shoes, men’s white handkerchiefs, black postulant skirts, black under blouses and black capes. We signed in the official…



Mary, our companion: New Year’s 2013

When we gather for Eucharistic liturgy on January 1, we will celebrate the feast of Mary, the Mother of God. How appropriate to keep her in our view as we begin a new year! She has been our companion all during the Advent season, and she certainly has been at the center of our attention as…



Light the candles! Christmas 2012

Like a dull ache, memory of the massacre of the children and adults of Sandy Hook School accompanies me everywhere and all the time these days. It’s one of those times when I have to keep reminding myself that more than one thing can be true at the same time. True – no family anywhere…



Senior jubilarians – 80 years and counting

Editor’s note: Reflection from Sister Denise Wilkinson, general superior, given on Dec. 8 during Eucharistic Liturgy to sisters, associates and visitors. While this message is specifically for the sisters celebrating their senior jubilee, the message resonates universally to all God’s people living out the Gospel message. Congratulations to these ever-faithful sisters who continue to serve in…



Celebrating, praying, singing and dining in Taiwan

Sisters Lisa Stallings, Jenny Howard and I have recently returned from a visit with our sisters in Taiwan. What a time! Our main reason for going was to participate in the silver jubilee celebration of our Sister Rose Chiu and golden jubilee of our Sister Marilyn Baker. Celebrating with them was golden jubilarian Sister Angela…



Always count your blessings …

Sometime after my mom retired, she “got into” ceramics. She and her friends went to classes taught by a woman in my mom’s neighborhood. For the most part, they applied glazes to clay pieces of various shapes and sizes. Many of her nieces received a wide variety of holiday ceramic pieces for their wedding showers….



Sister Denise reflection: 2012 Rite of Commitment

How wonderful to gather today to celebrate lives knit together in a profound way by the charism of the providence of God, by the conviction that God’s design for us and for Earth, for all creation is a compassionate and loving design! How wonderful to know ourselves called to be agents of “works of love,…



One continuous and continuing flow: All Saints and All Souls Days 2012

For some time now, the celebrations of All Saints and All Souls days have sort of morphed together in my mind, each feast blended into the other. The distinction between the two feasts has more or less disappeared for me. On All Saints day we recall (to state the obvious), all the saints — official…


Sister Denise was the general superior of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods from 2006-2016. She previously served as a high school teacher, college administrator, postulant/novice director and director of advancement and communications for the Congregation. Currently, Sister Denise serves the Congregation in various volunteer positions.

Sister profile

To learn more about Sister Denise, view her sister profile page.