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Sister Ann Casper

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Content written by Sister Ann
Reflecting on Valentine’s Day
One entry I liked was simple and direct: “St. Valentine’s Day is an annual festival to celebrate romantic love, friendship and admiration.”
Providence Community Cemetery blessed
In the summer issue of HOPE magazine, we Sisters of Providence laid out our plans for our newest outreach ministry: the creation of Providence Community Cemetery. Here we will receive for interment the cremains of persons other than members of the Congregation. The columbarium wall housing two columbaria was completed in early November. The columbaria…
Resting on holy ground: new cremains burial options at the Woods
That seed has blossomed into a new outreach ministry for the Sisters of Providence. We will now receive for inurnment at the Sisters of Providence, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, the cremains of persons other than members of the Congregation.
Something for everyone at the Woods
Come visit the Woods and find out for yourself!
Praise for the 10-second rule
‘… the 10-Second Rule was like a positive version of the old, familiar adage, “If you are angry, count to 10 before acting …’
Prayer: Small blessings, big impact
Oh, God, it’s winter. I think of the small blessings of cold and chill, ice and snow, and how the season can have a big effect on my mood and feelings, if I let it. Small, one-of-a-kind snowflakes create big, white blankets of beauty and soon receive squeals of delight as youngsters, muffled and gloved,…
Asked to move for the sake of the mission
“Our moving would help the school and further Guerin’s mission, which is our mission” said another. “It is for the sake of the mission that I responded to the initial call to religious life and I continue to commit myself to this call whatever it asks of me, letting go of my own personal preferences.”
Passing the baton
Harve has been coming to the Woods from Chicago for several years to visit a friend, Sister Agnes Maureen Badura, so he already knows several sisters
Paul J. Adams III: A closer look
‘It is clear to us, Paul, that you embrace wholeheartedly our charism of trust in Providence.’
Surprised and delighted at the Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Dinner
On June 2, the general officers of the Sisters of Providence hosted our annual Saint Mother Theodore Dinner, an evening which honors all our benefactors and allows us to express our gratitude for their gifts of time, prayer, skills, expertise and resources. You can read more about the 2018 Queen Amelia, Sarah and Joseph Thralls…
Awards dinner honors time, talent and treasure
View the event’s photo album here. General Superior Sister Dawn Tomaszewski welcomed 226 guests to the June 2 Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Dinner, noting that the annual event has become a very important way for us to thank our many benefactors for being instruments of God’s loving care for us. The theme of the evening…
Sister Ann Casper, SP, retired as the executive director for Mission Advancement for the Sisters of Providence in 2018 and currently serves as minister of Providence Community Cemetery at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana. Sister Ann has ministered in various scholastic and administrative positions in Indiana and North Carolina. She also was a member of the Sisters of Providence leadership team, serving as General Secretary.
Sister profile
To learn more about Sister Ann, view her sister profile page.