Site author

Sister Ann Casper

Content written by Sister Ann


Three countries of heritage: France, Taiwan and U.S.

On day three prior to the Oct. 25 public opening of the shrine, I’d like to focus on just three countries that have played a significant role in the 174 years since our foundation in 1840: France, United States and China. From France to America to China, the call to mission is basic to our history.



A legacy of hospitality

Hospitality is a tradition the Sisters of Providence take to heart. Says one recent guest, “I soon found out that staying at Owens was like having 30 moms around me. I felt so safe, so accepted and secure. They even leave things at my bedroom door: a poem I might enjoy, a fresh-baked muffin, a cup of homemade soup, a book to read. They ask about my day.”



Prayer, celebration, business and reflection abound at the SP annual meeting

The Sisters of Providence host their annual meeting from Jun 26 to July 7 with a full agenda including time for prayer, celebration, reflection, business reports and more!



Ministry in the marriage tribunal

As the only woman reviewing cases in our tribunal, I feel I balance the male perspective. I am a good listener and feel that I relate to people with empathy. If a case is particularly difficult, I will put it aside for a while and reread it later. Often I have new insights in doing so that strengthen the case.



Walking Together

O God, you walk with us through life.
You strengthen us
so that we might be your presence
to others on the journey.



He is risen! He is you! Alleluia!

I believe I encountered such a risen Christ this past weekend. No, it was not an appearance like on the road to Emmaus or by the seashore; perhaps more like when Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene disguised as the gardener. Two instances come to mind.



Lent – Nearing the end

When I was a kid, Lent was all about “giving up.” Maybe that’s why I didn’t particularly like it. So, how is Lent different for me now as an adult? How is it different for you?



Community prayer via Skype™

Sisters Brigid Ann and Eileen Bonner are in Louisville and Sister Mary Morley (formerly Sister David Mary) is in Cincinnati. The time to pray is marked on the computer monitor. They gather “face to face” by way of Skype. You’ll find them there weekdays at 4 p.m. and weekends at 10 a.m.



A prayer of presence

Sister Ann Casper, executive director of Mission Advancement for the Sisters of Providence, shares a prayer on offering God’s presence to others.



Taiwanese sister journeys home with the Sisters of Providence

(This article reprinted from the Summer 2013 edition of HOPE) Su-Hsin Huang (pronounced Soo-Sheen Wang) came to the United States from Taiwan for the first time in 2003 to explore entering the Sisters of Providence. She recalled her father asking her what she knew of the community, of the United States — where she would…



Ministry of Care: homemaking for healthcare residents

(This article was originally printed in the Summer 2013 edition of HOPE.) Sister Su-Hsin is from a culture that considers their elderly “treasures,” giving them great deference and respect. This makes her a natural as a member of the Ministry of Care Team at Providence Health Care at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, which addresses the spiritual, emotional…



A Blessing on Our Homes

O Provident God, we ask that you bless and protect our homes and all who come and go from them. May our homes be filled with welcome for family and stranger alike. May our homes know joy, laughter, support and acceptance within their walls. May all homes filled with illness or grief feel the warmth…


Sister Ann Casper, SP, retired as the executive director for Mission Advancement for the Sisters of Providence in 2018 and currently serves as minister of Providence Community Cemetery at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana. Sister Ann has ministered in various scholastic and administrative positions in Indiana and North Carolina. She also was a member of the Sisters of Providence leadership team, serving as General Secretary.

Sister profile

To learn more about Sister Ann, view her sister profile page.