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Found 405 Results

Sister Profile
Mary Jo Stewart
Formerly Sister Joseph Maureen
Sister Mary Jo is a native of Terre Haute, Indiana. Her last ministry was in the Congregation’s health care department. Sister Mary Jo, formerly Sister Joseph Maureen, entered the Congregation…

Sister Profile
Mary Concetta Banez
Sister Mary Concetta was born Maria Asuncion on Aug. 27, 1937. She died on Nov. 15, 2016. She was 79 years old and had been a Sister of Providence for…

Sister Profile
Mary Julia Cummings
Sister Mary Julia was born Wilma Jane Cummings on Feb. 3, 1922. She died on Oct. 28, 2009. She was 87 years old and had been a Sister of Providence…

Sister Profile
Mary Cecile Grojean
Sister Mary Cecile was born in Chicago. She had five older siblings and one younger sibling. She graduated from Providence High School and entered the Congregation in February 1950. She…

Sister Profile
Mary Rosita Thewes
Sister Mary Rosita was born Marie Anna Thewes on May 5, 1922. She died on Feb. 25, 2009. She was 86 years old and had been a Sister of Providence…

Sister Profile
Mary Montgomery
Formerly Sister Aaron
Sister Mary, formerly Sister Aaron, is a native of Bramble, Indiana. Currently she minsters in retreats and minister of presence. Sister Mary entered the Congregation on August 30, 1967 and…

Sister Profile
Mary Carlton
Formerly Sister Mary Agatha
Sister Mary, formerly Sister Mary Agatha, was born Florence Carlton on June 6, 1926. She died on Feb. 22, 2007. She was 81 years old and had been a Sister…

Sister Profile
Mary Eymard Campeggio
Sister Mary Eymard was born Madeline Emma Campeggo on May 21, 1912. She died on Nov. 19, 2013. She was 101 years old and had been a Sister of Providence…

Sister Profile
Mary Richard Griffith
Sister Mary Richard was born Mary Catherine Griffith on March 16, 1915. She died on Oct. 18, 2009. She was 94 years old and had been a Sister of Providence…

Sister Profile
Mary Helen Neff
Sister Mary Helen was born on Feb. 3, 1921. She died on March 29, 2004. She was 83 years old and had been a Sister of Providence for 61 years.…

Sister Profile
Mary Margaret Quinn
Formerly Sister Charles Agnes
Sister Mary Margaret, formerly Sister Charles Agnes, was born on May 27, 1935. She died on Nov. 29, 2013. She was 78 years old and had been a Sister of…

Sister Profile
Mary Charles Spalding
Sister Mary Charles was born Frances Ruth Spalding on Jan. 7, 1914. She died on March 11, 2011. She was 97 years old and had been a Sister of Providence…
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