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Providence University in Taiwan
Did you know that the Providence of God extends all the way to Asia?
Since 1949, the Sisters of Providence have been educators in Taiwan. Mother Marie Gratia Luking and her SP companions first established Providence School in Taichung. In 1956, the school was renamed Providence Junior College for Women.
As it continued to develop and attract new students, in 1963, it was renamed Providence College of Arts and Sciences for Women with four departments: Chinese Literature, Western Languages and Literature, Business and Mathematics. Providence College formally became Providence University for Women in 1989.

In 1993, the university began to accept male students so it was aptly renamed Providence University. Today it is a thriving Catholic co-educational institution, educating approximately 12,000 students.
Under the guidance of the Gospel message of love, mercy and justice, Providence University is committed to the education of each student as a whole person. It strives to assist them in the development of lifelong values, research, and critical thinking skills so that they may effect positive changes in society.
Sisters of Providence are very active today at Providence University Taiwan.
- Sister Celeste Tsai has ministered at Providence University in various leadership roles for over 40 years. As library director, she played a significant role in the renovation and modernization of the Luking Library (named after Mother Marie Gratia). Currently she is Providence University Affairs consultant.
- Sister Anne Therese Falkenstein serves as a professor and also serves as the special assistant to the president. She has received several Teaching Excellent Awards and plays a key role in representing the university in various settings around the world.
- Sister Norene Wu, who has a strong education background in psychology, serves as the dean of students and as assistant professor in the Department of Social Work and Child Welfare. She is also a caring listener and offers leadership skills to students and staff.
- Sister Sophia Chen is a staff person at the Mother Marie Gratia Hostel for Girls, a women’s student residence for Providence University.
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