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Sister Susan Paweski featured in Global Sisters Report
As women, children, and men from Venezuela poured out of buses into unfamiliar streets of Chicago, seeking refuge from the political horrors of their beloved homelands, I heard someone say, “The borders came to us!” And the next remark was, “What can we do?”

The answer to that question was the effort of Ascension Parish that began what eventually became the formation of the Migrant Ministry by the Catholic parishes of Oak Park, a suburb of Chicago. (The Catholic parishes of Oak Park are Ascension and St. Edmund, St. Catherine of Siena-St. Lucy, and St. Giles parishes.)
The Migrant Ministry is providing food, clothing, medical services and weekly showers for our sisters and brothers in dire need. Migrant Ministry is also providing the Oak Park community with the opportunity to live the Gospel values by feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and caring for one another. These are not acts of charity, rather this is what justice calls us to do.
Sister Susan Paweski was recently featured in Global Sisters Report with her latest piece, “‘The borders came to us,’ and we must answer the call.”
Read the complete article here.
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For inquiries or information, contact Jason Moon at jmoon@spsmw.org or 812-535-2810.