A closer look at ‘How to Be an Antiracist’
Note: Sister Jan Craven, SP, has written this blog regarding the book “How to Be an Antiracist,” written by Ibram X. Kendi. We will conduct a series on the book during the month of February.

“How to Be an Antiracist,” is a fascinating book to read, especially with a group of people. I believe one goal of this book study will be to go beyond the cognizance of racism to a subsequent stage which is contributing to the development of an impartial and equitable social order.
Dr. Kendi “takes the reader through a widening circle of antiracist ideas that will help us see all forms of racism clearly,” as we work toward understanding the emotional, spiritual, and societal costs of maintaining attitudes that are prevalent now in our world.
Sometimes, what works for me is having an image that helps focus me to come to a deeper level of understanding and clarity. The image that Dr. Kendi uses is that of what cancer does to a human being and everyone close to the individual person.
If the doctor says to you that your cancer cells are dividing and multiplying at a fast pace, there seems to be a message of imminent danger and death. No one wants to have a disease run rampant in their bodies, and that is exactly what is happening to our world – the dis-ease of racism is doing just that.
What is fascinating about Dr. Kendi? He does not lose hope and instills a sense of taking a chance to do more than survive, but to thrive and live forever free of racism. It is quite a challenging summons to all of us!
Join us for our upcoming book study on “How to Be an Antiracist.”