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Getting hyped up for Scrabble!

Did you know that today, April 13, 2021, is National Scrabble Day? Did you know there was such a national day? If this is news to you, don’t worry, neither did I.

But, after looking through lists of websites scouring through “National Day of this,” and “National Day of that,” I happened upon National Scrabble Day.

Who plays?

I have played Scrabble with family and friends throughout the years. And I started to wonder how many sisters take part in the game? I figured many did. So, I reached out to several sisters and found some who do enjoy putting their mind to the test that is known as Scrabble.

I found two in particular who love playing the game and are looking forward to battling each other in the future.

During pre-COVID days, Sister Mary Beth Klingel and Sister Donna Butler both enjoyed playing Scrabble, not only against each other, but among other Sisters of Providence.

Relaxation is key

Sister Mary Beth has played the game “on and off” for many years.

Sister Mary Beth Klingel

“I do so for fun and relaxation, and I enjoy the mental stimulation,” she said. “I can easily devote several hours to the game if the other person or persons are up to making the commitment of time. There is a ‘thrill’ for me in filling up the Scrabble board and building word upon word.”

Sister Donna added she enjoys playing the famous word game as well as others.

“I love several word games,” she said. “Next to Scrabble, my favorite word game is Bananagrams, which I prefer to play alone using a timer.”

Sister Donna plays Scrabble when she can against Sister Mary Ann Phelan, and also reflected on her games against Sister Mary Beth.

“I like to play with persons who challenge my ability,” Sister Donna said. “Both Mary Ann and Mary Beth are good players.”

Sister Donna Butler

As words in the English language have increased over the years, Sister Mary Beth said the board during a Scrabble game can look rather interesting.

“More and more two-letter words are appearing,” she explained. “It’s fun to use them when Scrabbling. Actually, the number of words in general are increasing when it comes to usable ones in Scrabble.”

Both Sister Mary Beth and Sister Donna are looking forward to getting the board out and challenging each other again, hopefully, in the near future.

“Donna and I have wondered aloud if we would remember how to play after such a long hiatus,” Sister Mary Beth said. “I believe it’s like riding a bike. We’ll get right back into it with no trouble at all. And I can’t wait!”

“I can’t wait until COVID is over so Mary Beth and I can play again,” Sister Donna added. “While no one likes to lose, Mary Beth REALLY doesn’t like to lose!”

“Admittedly, I am an assertive Scrabbler and a very poor loser!” Sister Mary Beth chimed in. “That would be true of any competitive board or card game.”

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Jason Moon

Jason Moon

Jason Moon serves as media relations manager for the Sisters of Providence. Previously, he spent more than 16 years in the newspaper industry.

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  1. Sister Denise on April 13, 2021 at 8:40 am

    Jason, I’m glad your research turned up such a wonderful “fun fact to know and tell.” And thanks for identifying the avid players.

  2. Avatar Marilyn Schaaf Rausch on April 13, 2021 at 9:03 am

    Scrabble is also one of my favorite games. There is an app on the iPAD entitled “Mr. Word Pro” which pits the player against the “machine.” It can be challenging…and there is NO cheating!! Perhaps when we are able to meet freely again we can have a Scrabble tournament within the Providence Community!!

  3. Avatar Mary Heins on April 13, 2021 at 9:41 am

    Thank you, Jason, for your column today. We definitely can use some fun during this continued shutdown! I love Scrabble and play (pre-Covid days) regularly at a friend’s house. We love seeing the board filled up into the four corners. Thanks to Marilyn for mentioning Mr. Word Pro!

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