A ‘Happy Endings’ update on St. Joseph’s Lake
As you may know, Pope Francis decreed 2021 a Year of St. Joseph so “every member of the faithful, following his example, may strengthen their life of faith daily in the complete fulfillment of God’s will.”

The Feast of St. Joseph – March 19 – in this Year of St. Joseph, marks the perfect occasion for expressing our gratitude for the many generous donors who bring a happy ending to the wonderful story of St. Joseph’s Lake at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Thank you for your generous support for the project!
You may recall from our Winter 2021 article in “HOPE Magazine” that we reported having pulled money for initial repairs on the damaged berm from the emergency fund. The total repairs for the lake restoration project included site preparation, tree removal, berm replacement and landscaping, coming with a price tag totaling $178,500. And you, our donors, have responded in kind! To date we have received pledges and gifts of more than $72,000.
Once, St. Joseph’s Lake served as the supplemental water source for the Congregation and its farming needs. In recent decades, the lake offered peaceful and recreational benefits for the sisters, their visiting families and those living in the hermitages throughout the years. What Mother Nature decimated, Mother Theodore and our Provident God, through your generosity, restored. Thank you!
We told you the beginning and middle of the story and asked you to write a happy ending. You did!
“… and they all lived happily ever.”
Thank you to our AMAZING donors who have supported
the St. Joseph project. I especially, “THANK YOU,’ for your
generosity on the mission of Providence.
You make our ministries possible and I am
so very thankful for your prayers and willingness to
share your wealth to help further the mission and legacy of
Saint Mother Theodore and Jesus. You help bring about
love, mercy and justice in our world. You are PROVIDENCE!
May God bless you and your families for your
love , kindness generosity.
In Providence,
Sister Joni Luna, SP
Last week a friend and I spent two days and nights in Regnier hermitage on the lake. How beautiful it is! Thank you for sharing it with others! –Jane O’Brien, ANG