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We still need your help!

To date, through the Providence Climate Agreement, we have reduced our carbon emissions by 1,022,785 pounds, or 51.1 percent.

Did you know that if you plant one tree, you will reduce your carbon emissions output by 25 pounds? Were you aware that if you replaced one incandescent light bulb with an LED bulb, you are reducing your output by 260 pounds, or by taking a 5-minute shower, you are reducing the output by another 300 pounds?

That’s a total of 585 pounds of carbon emissions!

During the Congregation’s annual meeting of 2018, which takes place during the summer, the Sisters placed particular focus on climate change for the coming year. From those meetings, the Providence Climate Agreement was born.

The sisters and many Providence Associates agreed to collectively reduce carbon emissions by 2 million pounds by the conclusion of June 2019. Those who signed the pledge agreed to change their daily routines with many items, including shower time, replacing light bulbs and many, many more.

And six months into the challenge, they are halfway there. Fifty-one point one percent there to be exact, or 1,022,785 pounds!

This Linden Leaf graphic is shaded green at 51.1 percent, and with more signing the Providence Climate Agreement, joining us to complete our journey to help eliminate climate injustice, we will continue to shade the leaf until it is 100 percent green!

But we still need your help. Join us on this journey to help create a more perfect Earth. Help us reach our goal of 2 million pounds.

Fill out the Providence Climate Agreement pledge form and act today! Ask your friends and family to join you! Plant a tree! Change those light bulbs! Join us in advocating for stronger environmental policies!

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Jason Moon

Jason Moon

Jason Moon serves as media relations manager for the Sisters of Providence. Previously, he spent more than 16 years in the newspaper industry.

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