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Get to know Sister Sue Paweski, newly named Co-Director for Providence Associates

Sister Sue Paweski

Have you heard? Sister Susan Paweski was recently named co-director of the Providence Associate relationship. Get to know Sister Sue, in her own words, here!

If someone were describing Sister Sue, what would they likely say?

Open minded, good sense of humor, progressive, direct. Task-oriented, good cook, and, yes, impatient (I think I’ll always be working on that one!)

Tell about your past work and ministry experience.

Though I’ve done a stint in the insurance business back in the day, I have been in education most of my life either teaching in elementary education or in administration at the college level at Mundelein College and Loyola University Chicago. I taught English to adults in Maputo, Mozambique, at an elementary school in Florida and in the Chicago area. As a sister: teaching at St. Alexander in Palos Heights and teaching fine arts at St. Genevieve School in Chicago. It was my privilege to minister in the Sisters of Providence Mission Advancement for 10 years as a fundraiser. I portray Saint Mother Theodore to parish and school venues.

Tell us about your life in community.

I joined the Congregation when I was 49-years-old and have never looked back. The Sisters of Providence educated me in elementary and secondary school. I received a master’s degree in Earth Literacy from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College as a sister. The sisters are energetic and enthusiastic women with inquiring minds. These qualities permeate our lives together from Liturgies to conversations at meals. The vows continue to be liberating and challenging.

What are some of your favorite hobbies and pastimes?

I am a movie buff and have to tip my hat to my mother for that. My family grew up steeped in the Arts and that is reflected in my favorite relaxation: film, art, theater, and dance. I also enjoy reading fiction, nonfiction including politics, social movements, etc. I love to entertain and travel. I also knit and crochet.

What are some of your favorite topics of conversation?

Arts, politics (gentle conversations), anything relating to the above interests.

Sister Sue Paweski receives a congratulatory hug from a Providence Associate after the announcement that she will be the new co-director of Providence Associates

Why did you decide to apply for this ministry?

I was encouraged to consider this ministry. Since discernment is key to how we approach ministry, I was drawn to work with the Providence Associate relationship based on my experiences.

What are you looking forward to in this new role?

Meeting with and relating to associates. I hope I can contribute, in some way, to enhance the Providence Associate relationship.

What have been your past interactions with the Providence Associates?

I belong to the Providence Circle on the northwest side of Chicago. I have companioned three candidates.

Will you continue living in and working from the Chicago area?


When is your official start date in this ministry?

Though I’ve put my toe into the Providence Associate pool, I’ll be fully in place on June 18 after my retreat.

What do you think is important/special about the Providence Associate relationship?

The charism of Providence needs the relationship of all people who embrace it to unfold in our lives. The relationship enhances our collective understanding of the Mystery of the Spirit as it deepens our relationship to Creation. The awareness of the dynamic movement of Providence compels us to share our understanding and awareness with everyone.

Check in tomorrow to get to know better Providence Associate Debbie Dillow, the second co-director for the Providence Associate relationship.

Looking for something more in your life? Apply to become a Providence Associate today!

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Amy Miranda

Amy Miranda

Amy Miranda is a Providence Associate of the Sisters of Providence and a staff member in their Advancement Services office. Amy is a 1998 graduate of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. She currently manages the SP publication HOPE and works on marketing support for Providence Associates, new membership and Saint Mother Theodore Guerin.

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  1. Avatar S. Mary Tomlinson on April 17, 2018 at 12:00 am

    Sue. What a great story. So you! Congratulations on your new ministry. I know you will embrace it as you’ve done with all your ministries. Best wishes. Mary

  2. Avatar Janet Tosick on December 22, 2020 at 7:51 pm

    Sister Sue,
    It’s been a joy to know you as I became a Providence Associate.
    Thank you for helping, and being an inspiration to many.
    Merry Christmas!
    Janet Tosick, PA

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