A donor reminisces about Sister Rose Marita
The Mission Advancement staff loves to receive information from our donors about their connections to the Sisters of Providence.

Sister Rose Marita (RIP) and her famous Irish soda bread. Sister Rose Marita would bake at least 100 loaves of her famous Irish soda bread for the Sisters of Providence Bake Sales or for the Linden Leaf Gifts.
Joseph Krumme certainly has such a connection, dating back 60 years when he was taught by Sister Rose Marita Riordan (RIP) as a fifth grader at St. Anthony of Padua School in Gardena, Calif. His favorite memory is of the class gathering on Friday afternoons to sing songs. He loved that.
His mother grew up in an orphanage and was raised by sisters, so she had a special affection for them and became very good friends with Sister Rose Marita. The family lived next door to the convent. “The sisters trusted my mother so much that they gave her keys to the convent and our family would pick up mail, mow the yard and take care of the convent when the sisters returned to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods for the summer.”
Joseph’s mother corresponded with Sister Rose Marita for many years after sister left St. Anthony’s. After his mother’s death, Joseph began to correspond with sister. He and his wife Rosemary purchased raffle tickets every year for the Woods Day Care/Pre-School where sister ministered in her retirement. “We even won a wreath one year and she shipped it to us.”
Their most recent gift was in memory of Sister Rose Marita who died Mar. 19, 2017.
If you would like donate to support the life and mission of the Sisters of Providence or retired Sisters, please click here or call Mission Advancement office at 812-535-2800.
The Sisters of Providence remember all benefactors, constituents, alumnae/i and companions in daily prayer. Every donor remains in the prayers of the Sisters of Providence, and every month, all benefactors and their intentions are remembered especially during Eucharist Liturgy in the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
I attended Ladywood Academy in approximately 1961. I was not the model student for sure but can actually say my religion became stronger and I loved the girls there. At the time I was a junior in High School and I can remember playing the HUGE LIVE SNOWMAN at the bottom of the huge staircase.and dancing to Frosty) at the Christmas Program. One of the girls was Ann Theissen from Grosse Point Michigan. I am now 72 years old and want so badly to contact some of the girls if they remembered me. I cannot get into a year book but know if I could who became some of my dearest thoughts. If you can help me locate any information I would love to hear from them again and how they are doing. My address is 2110 McCroskey Avenue Knoxville, Tennessee 37917 but when I attended there I lived in East Chicago, Indiana. Thank you for any help you can offer. My facebook page is Carolyn.A.Green and my e mail address is one_changed_woman@yahoo.com
Let us pass your info to our alumnae coordinator and see if we can forward information to you. Thanks for sharing your warm memories with the SPs.