Sister Jeanne Hagelskamp: on choosing life as a sister, urban education and SP mission

A young Jeanne Hagelskamp was working as a teacher, dating a medical student and discerning what God wanted her to do with her life when one day she got her answer during prayer.

Sister Jeanne discusses what she felt called to in coming to the Sisters of Providence and what she sees as the Congregation’s calling today.

“I think the Sisters of Providence continue to be energized by the mission that Providence gives us. …”

Sister Jeanne describes the Sisters of Providence and how she sees them meeting the needs of the times.

Sister Jeanne tells the story of being called on to begin Providence Cristo Rey High School in Indianapolis.


About Sister Jeanne

Current ministry: Educating the next generation of urban school principals as director of the academy for teaching and learning leadership at Marian University in Indianapolis
My good friend says I’m… passionate, faithful, and wise
My favorite thing about Saint Mary-of-the-Woods is… the people, of course! Also the beautiful woods and the church.
Three things that are sure to make me smile are… being with friends, Christmas lights, watching students in an “aha” moment!
When I am not at work or involved in ministry, you are most likely to find me… at home in the community room.
On weekends I love to… sleep late (if we don’t have class!)
I am passionate about… “leveling the playing field” for the most vulnerable among us
Least favorite subject in school: P.E.
Favorite movie: The Bells of St. Mary’s
Qualities I most admire: Integrity, honesty, openness, authenticity, faithfulness
Favorite saint(s): My mom and dad (they had to be saints to raise us!), and Mother Theodore, of course!
Favorite childhood activity: Playing kickball
Favorite course in school: Physics/math
Favorite form of prayer: Quiet reflection on Scripture
Favorite quote: Might be a tie! “Ours is a preparation for the generation that will succeed us, and eminent good will be done this way by us. You may not live to see it, but you will have sown the seed…” and “When one has nothing else to lose, the heart is inaccessible to fear.” and “Have confidence in the Providence that so far has never failed us. The way is not yet clear. Grope along slowly. Do not press matters; be patient, be trustful…and rest assured, my dear daughters, if you put all your trust in Providence, you will find yourselves well supported.” All by our very own dear Saint Mother Theodore Guerin! and “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi
Favorite dessert: Chocolate mint chip hot fudge sundae with a brownie base
Favorite scripture passage: Micah 6:8 “This is what our God asks of us, only this: To act justly, to love tenderly, and to walk humbly with our God.”
One thing most people don’t know about me: I love to play as much as I love to work!

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Amy Miranda

Amy Miranda

Amy Miranda is a Providence Associate of the Sisters of Providence and a staff member in their Advancement Services office. Amy is a 1998 graduate of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. She currently manages the SP publication HOPE and works on marketing support for Providence Associates, new membership and Saint Mother Theodore Guerin.

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