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A prayer for times of discernment

Beloved, You who companion me on the journey,
May every step I take
be made sacred
by your guiding presence.

In moments when I worry
that my gifts may not be enough,
remind me that
there are many gifts,
but the same spirit,
different forms of service,
but the same Source of Love.

At times when the way ahead,
or even the next step,
seems unclear,
assure me that You know what is to come;
that You envision
a plan to prosper me and not to harm me,
to give me a future full of hope.

When fear of the unknown
keeps me from acting
with love and freedom,
whisper again to me that
You will make a way in the desert,
that you will make the rough places smooth.

Amid my impatience to know what’s next,
remind me that indeed
There is a time for everything under the sun,
that now, too, is a very acceptable time.

As I seek to embrace the call emerging within me,
help me to know deeply your Abiding Presence
who came that I might have life
and have it to the full.

When I am burdened by the anxiety
that comes with newness and change,
touch my heart with the words,
Consider the birds in the sky;
they don’t sow or reap, yet they are provided for.

Source of all that I am,
As I move into the wholeness that beckons me,
Speak to me again
the breadth and length
and height and depth

of your Love,
A Love which surpasses all understanding;
A Love which is able to accomplish far more
than all I ask or imagine


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Sister Tracey Horan

Sister Tracey Horan

Sister Tracey Horan is a Sister of Providence in formation. She professed first vows in 2017. She is a former intern at White Violet Center for Eco-Justice, a ministry of the Sisters of Providence. She currently ministers as education coordinator at the Kino Border Initiative/Iniciativa Kino para la Frontera where she works with an education team to coordinate and host individuals and groups for immersions to the U.S./Mexico border in order to engage participants on the current reality of migration.

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  1. Avatar Paula Damiano,SP on May 10, 2016 at 7:19 am

    Thank you, Tracey!

  2. Avatar Beth Williby on May 10, 2016 at 8:56 am

    Wow! That really spoke to me this morning. How very Providential that it showed up in my inbox. 🙂

  3. Avatar Cathy Campbell,SP on May 10, 2016 at 9:11 am

    Thanks for sharing this prayer with us – it’s beautiful and one that invites me to pray it with you often.

  4. Avatar Editha Ben, SP on May 10, 2016 at 9:34 am

    From the heart. It’s beautiful. Thanks, Tracey.

    • Avatar Heather Whitney on May 17, 2016 at 11:35 pm

      Hi Sr. Editha. How are you doing? I met you at the RECongress a couple years ago.

  5. Avatar Paula Modaff, S.P. on May 10, 2016 at 9:37 am

    This prayer is you, dear Tracey, through and through. with gratitude, Paula M

  6. Avatar Carol Nolan on May 10, 2016 at 12:23 pm

    Ever new inspiration from your innermost heart, Tracey; thank you so much!

  7. Avatar Jane Iannaccone on May 10, 2016 at 5:36 pm

    What a beautiful prayer for all of us. Thank you Tracey

  8. Avatar Theresa Tighe on May 10, 2016 at 7:01 pm

    Beautiful. I printed the prayer and put it on my refrigerator.

  9. Avatar Kathy on May 11, 2016 at 10:53 pm

    This is a beautiful and helpful prayer. I just copied it into my journal. My heart needed this prayer today. Thank you for sharing and may the Lord bless you in His love!!

  10. Avatar Jean Smith,PA on May 12, 2016 at 9:38 am

    Tracey, Your prayer was so beautiful, heart felt and hit me between the eyes. Thank you so much. I have copied it and will use it daily in my prayers. Blessings to you as you continue your journey in the novitiate.

  11. Avatar Barbara Battista SP on May 14, 2016 at 1:52 pm

    Thanks Tracey. What a great way to pray as we move towards Chapter.

  12. Avatar Regina Pfeiffer PA on March 27, 2017 at 5:15 pm

    Aloha Tracey from a PA living in Hawaii and alumna of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. I’m preparing a prayer service on discernment in parish ministry and came across your wonderful prayer. May I use it if I attribute it to you?

    • Amy Miranda Amy Miranda on March 28, 2017 at 5:40 pm

      Hi Regina, we would be happy to have you use Sister Tracey’s prayer. We would also appreciate it if you could include the Sisters of Providence website with your attribution. SistersofProvidence.org


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