
This stack of returned pledge forms clearly portrays the quick response to our 2016 Phonathon requests. Almost by return mail, the gifts came flowing in. This stack of forms represents gifts returned as of Mar. 14, less than a month after the first call was made. Thank you!
Phonathon 2016
No winter blahs among the Sisters of Providence, Providence Associates, staff and volunteers who participate each February in our annual phonathon. Thanks, donors, for taking our calls!
This year 3,600 friends of the sisters were contacted either by phone or with a note in the mail. One caller related talking with a 1939 graduate of Immaculata High School in Washington, D.C., and connecting her with a sister who was a freshman when she was a senior.
And most touching and humbling, by far, are the many prayer requests which come our way. These are always recorded and placed at the shrine of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin.
It’s too early to gauge total results, but when all pledge forms are returned we hope to surpass the total raised by the generosity of donors in 2015, which was $143,379.

Liturgical composer David Haas (left) speaking with Sister Jan Craven (center) and Providence Associate Diann Neu. (Below) Haas performing.
Haas visits the Woods
Renowned liturgical composer David Haas was a guest of the Sisters of Providence on March 11-12.
Haas performed a concert of his work in the Church of the Immaculate Conception on March 11, followed by the workshop, “A Spiritual and Musical Journey for the Beloved of God,” in the O’Shaughnessy Dining room on March 12.
Haas – who was nominated for a Grammy for his composition “I Shall See God,” in 1991 – has conducted musical workshops for more than 35 years.
Human Rights Day 2016
The Sisters of Providence took part in the 2016 Indiana State University Human Rights Day event on March 8.
Former head of the United Nations in Sudan, Dr. Mukesh Kapila, served as the keynote speaker of the event, which also featured three sessions of multiple speakers for students and others to attend.
Sisters Donna Butler, Mary Montgomery and Marsha Speth all attended the event. Sister Marsha represents the SPs on the Human Rights Day Committee.
Annual luncheon draws large crowd
The Sisters of Providence hosted the 12th annual Women in Leadership Luncheon on March 10 to great success. More than 120 area leaders attended the luncheon.
Sister Ann Sullivan was the guest speaker. During her presentation, Sister Ann delved into women’s spirituality, discussing three movements from the book, “Dance of the Spirit,” by Maria Harris, and offering ways for women to take time to reflect on who they are, where they are and how to move forward.

Workers from Garmong Construction and Sycamore
Engineering replaced light bulbs with LED lighting in the Church of the Immaculate Conception in February.
Church gets a facelift
The Church of the Immaculate Conception is getting a makeover! Well, sort of.
Workers from Garmong Construction created scaffolding for Sycamore Engineering workers to replace light bulbs in the church with LED lighting. Both companies are located in Terre Haute.
Hundreds of light bulbs in the church are being replaced, including ones in the arch above the Sanctuary, above the Tabernacle and the north side of the church.
Representatives from Sycamore Engineering said a total of 88 bulbs were replaced in the arch, while 25 more will be replaced from two fixtures on each side of the Sanctuary. In addition, 11 more will be replaced on the north side of the church under the balcony.
The project started Tuesday, Feb. 16, and concluded by the end of the week.
(Originally published in the Spring 2016 issue of HOPE magazine.)