Grounded in the presence of God as a Providence Associate

One of the ways in which Providence Associate Monica Hayden lives out her commitment as a Providence Associate is by quilting and donating some of the quilts to charity.
When I became a Providence Associate in November of 2011, it was at a time when I was looking for something to add meaning to my life. It was a time when I was feeling quite despondent and angry at the state of world affairs, national politics and the like. My personal life was in order and without turmoil, but I still lacked something. Was it faith? Was it hope? Was it contentment? I don’t know… perhaps all of the above.
All I know is that when I found the Sisters of Providence, it was like I’d come home. I had found a group of people who thought like I did, who held similar principles, who spoke “the same language” as I, at a time when I felt absolutely disconnected from the rest of the world, a time when I was beginning to feel like “the odd man [woman] out.”
As a Providence Associate, I committed to live by the Providence principles and mission. I try to exercise tolerance, compassion, to care for the Earth. I try to take the example of Jesus in how I live my life, trying to accept everyone the way they are, being understanding of people’s differences, loving even the least among us. These are things I continue to strive for, although at times I find it difficult, due to my own failings.
My association with the Sisters of Providence and Providence Associates is the one thing that keeps me grounded. It helps me to not give up, to continue on this journey that at times seems ridden with obstacles, brambles and stumbling blocks.
So, do I value this relationship? You bet I do! Am I glad I became a Providence Associate? Absolutely!
At times, the fact that I am in this relationship is the only thing that assures me of the presence of God in my life. God brought me here in spite of all my failings and shortcomings. I don’t feel entirely worthy of this relationship, just lucky (and certainly blessed!).
(Have you over considered joining the Providence Associate relationship? Applications for those wishing to begin the journey this year are being accepted until May 32. Contact Debbie Dillow at 317-250-3294 or to learn more.)
Thank you for such a wonderful reflection. I appreciate it for myself but it may also be helpful to Candidate Associates discerning their own future commitment.
Hey Monica,
We are so happy you found us and shared yourself so generously with us. I look forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting!
Thanks all for your kinds comments! Look forward to my next visit to the Woods.