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Introducing Providence Community Cemetery

The Providence Community Cemetery columbarium wall at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods

Many of you — friends, family, alums, staff and other supporters — have described Saint Mary-of-the-Woods as a peaceful, holy place. You have cherished relationships with the Sisters of Providence and Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Because of this, the Congregation has been asked about the possibility of having loved ones buried on these sacred grounds.

Our new outreach ministry celebrates these significant relationships with the Sisters of Providence. We also hope to help you honor your loved ones during a difficult time.

It is now possible for people with a special connection to the Congregation to have cremains interred at the new Providence Community Cemetery columbarium at the Woods.

You and your loved ones can have cremains interred in a naturally beautiful, serene environment that will encourage visitors and families to return time and again to pay their respects.

Frequently asked questions about the Providence Community Cemetery

Who can be interred at the Woods?

Those with a strong connection to the Sisters of Providence Congregation will be considered, such as Providence Associates, family members of sisters, former members of the  Congregation, members of St. Mary’s Village Church, alumnae/i of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College and of other schools where Sisters of Providence taught, our partners in mission (e.g., co-workers, volunteers) and persons in need. Spouses may also be interred. The General Council and/or their delegated representatives will make the final decision.

Where will the cremains be placed?

The cremains will be placed in an urn and laid to rest in a niche of a specially designed columbarium located in the new Providence Community Cemetery, in the southwest area of the motherhouse grounds, near the Congregation cemetery.

What is a columbarium?

A columbarium is a series of niches on one side for the interment of the cremains of a loved one and provides a place of remembrance for families. The columbarium is placed in a columbarium wall.

What will be provided, if I choose to be interred at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods?

Providence Community Cemetery will provide a small, open-sided chapel for mourners to gather. To preserve uniformity, an appropriate urn for the cremains, a columbarium space (niche), the urn and the niche nameplate and engraving will also be included. Only single urns and niches will be sold and the commingling of cremains will not be allowed.

May I choose the location of the niche?

Yes, you or a loved one will select the niche you desire in the columbarium once you decide for cremains burial at the Woods, complete the paperwork and send payment. Before doing so, see below for a graphic of the niches and which ones have been taken.

Columbarium I


Columbarium II


Will visitors have access to Providence Community Cemetery columbarium?


Will the Sisters of Providence ensure the ongoing care of the columbarium?

The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods will make provisions to care for the columbarium, the cremains inurned, the urns and the niche nameplates in perpetuity.

What is the cost?

The cost for reservation of a niche in Rows A-E is $3,000. The cost is $2,500 to reserve a niche in Rows F-H. The Sisters of Providence have calculated the Fair Market Value of Interment Rights to be $1,840. The remainder of the purchase price, $1,160 or $660, we consider a charitable contribution, which is placed in a reserved fund for upkeep and perpetual care of the cemetery areas. You may wish to check with an accountant about a deduction for that amount.

I/We are interested. What do I/we do?

Complete the form below. We’ll then send you more information. We’re available to answer questions by phone and by personal appointment. You may also contact the Providence Community Cemetery Minister at 812-535-2828.

Fill out my online form.

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