Here “loving the right way” offers sympathy, speaks of affection and admiration for Mme’s daughter, and ends by offering both a smile (even a laugh) and assurance of prayers.
Read moreSister Denise Wilkinson, SP, lists the top reasons why she believes Mother Theodore might have been feeling overwhelmed and a bit crabby.
Read moreIn caring for the sick Mother Theodore and her sisters were not deterred by differences in creed or heritage or race.
Read more“Keep your house, the yard, and also your persons clean. Change your linen often and have your children clean also, if they are still with you. Finally, my dear daughters, pray.”
Read moreJudging from her letters to Sister Basilide, Mother Theodore had a special love for “this good and dear” sister. That love demonstrated itself in Mother Theodore’s words of caution, gentle criticism and frank admonishments — always accompanied by words of affection and encouragement.
Read moreSo impressed with the holiness of the bishop’s death, she reminds the sisters, “Especially let us never forget that if we wish to die like the Saints, we must live like them.”
Read moreWe wanted to share some of Sister Mary Theodosia’s poems with you.
Read more“The future is yours.” Such a new chance for hope.
Read moreMother Theodore had to stay in charge and oversee everyone else. A true “mother.” And on top of all that the bishop keeps causing problem after problem. All of this is compounded by Mother Theodore’s chronic poor health that leaves her ill or weak much of the time.
Read moreThe cross did await Mother Theodore and her sisters “at every turn.” The conflict with the bishop took many more twists and turns before the rule was approved and the land deeded over. Yet she persisted.
Read moreHer statement at that time is one we must take to heart still today: “These Americans, so proud of their liberty, thus make game of the liberty of others.” No slave markets today, no. Yet that legacy is still so evident in the systemic racism that tells a lie about “liberty and justice for all.”
Read moreYet, no matter how frightening the weather or terrifying an incident, Mother Theodore could and did pray.
Read moreAn unshakeable trust in God. It set Saint Mother Theodore Guerin apart and makes her a model for us in our daily living. Get to know our brave and inspiring foundress better through these stories.