I love her balanced approach and the fact that she is not threatened by the presence or success of others.
Read moreAnd finally, what a sweet gift to Mother Theodore. Two of her nieces come to the United States to join the Congregation!
Read moreTrue to her word, after her safe arrival at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Mother Theodore had a small log chapel built on a little hill in the forest east of the convent
Read moreThis week’s letters show the breadth of Mother Theodore as loving friend, sister and dedicated leader. She is a wonderful person for offering guidance, wisdom and truthfulness
Read moreSome mornings Mother Theodore keeps me from my impulses by saying, “The way is not yet clear, grope along slowly. Be patient. Be trustful.”
Sometimes when I am overwhelmed, I read, “We are not called upon to do all the good possible, but only that which we can do.”
Some mornings, when I am struggling and could use a hug, I open to this, “No one will ever love you as your old Mother Theodore does.”
Although she felt affection, appreciation and friendship for each of the people she writes to this week, Mother Theodore is still able to be firm.
Read moreShe is inviting Sister Maria to deal with the reality of her situation. To stay in the present moment (teaching music lessons) rather than fantasizing about what she might do.
Read moreIn struggles we may be facing, we, too, may need someone to lovingly challenge us and guide us in realizing the effects our shortcomings have on us and on those with whom we live, work and worship.
Read moreMother Theodore had to wear many hats in her lifetime. Her letters throughout the book really exemplify the many roles she had to play.
Read moreWe get only a few glimpses of Sister St. Francis Xavier in what we’ve read. But they hint at her character and her friendship with Mother Theodore.
Read moreMother Theodore invites them to consider, “might you be the cause of another’s fault? Are you wanting in foresight or wisdom, gentleness or charity?” And so often, isn’t it true, that we ourselves can be our own worst enemy?
Read moreMother Theodore’s letter to Bishop Bouvier struck me as a type of prayer. It included praise of Providence, thanksgiving for favors received, petitions of need and a prayer of lamentation. She acknowledges those whose spirituality and actions were Providence for the Saint Mary-of-the-Woods community.
Read moreAn unshakeable trust in God. It set Saint Mother Theodore Guerin apart and makes her a model for us in our daily living. Get to know our brave and inspiring foundress better through these stories.