Stories about

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin

Our Rights. Our Freedoms. Always.

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | December 10, 2015 |

We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination

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A Providence Advent Calendar

By Diann Neu | November 29, 2015 |

The Providence Advent calendar here begins with the first Sunday of Advent and uses quotes of Sisters of Providence (SP) and Providence Associates (PA) found on the SP website and in other PA and SP materials. May it help you enter into this season with reflections and actions for each day of Advent! You might want to keep an Advent journal to capture your reflections.

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Becoming a Providence Associate

By Amy Miranda | November 18, 2015 |

“Every step of the process from orientation to meeting my companions to the year of study has affirmed that Providence, though unexpected and unbidden, is alive and well and welcome in my life. The Sisters of Providence are an amazing order of women religious. I have found camaraderie, companionship, compassion, laughter and wisdom in each one I have met. I want to be like them when I grow up.” Beth Weis, Chicago, Illinois. 26 new Providence Associates of the Sisters of Providence made first commitments last Saturday. They share some of that journey here in their own words.

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New Providence Associates!

By Amy Miranda | November 18, 2015 |

Check out this photo album from the ceremony this past Saturday, Nov. 14, where we welcomed 26 new Providence Associates of the Sisters of Providence.

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Much to learn from two women religious founders

By Maria Price | November 12, 2015 |

Their ministries were filled with humble activities. They rolled up their sleeves, and they dedicated their lives to the people whom others overlooked. Of all the hospitals and schools and ministries they founded, their writings and influence are focused on people, not institutions.

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My friends, the saints

By Lori Strawn | October 31, 2015 |

We are used to thinking of saints in the past tense. It seems incredible that saints might walk among us today, but they do. What do they do that the rest of us don’t? Not much, really. Sainthood is less a way of doing than a way of being. As Mother Theodore said, “Let us never forget that if we wish to die like the Saints, we must live like them. “

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Saint Mother Theodore Guerin FEST highlights

By Sisters of Providence | October 30, 2015 |
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A wonderful time to get to know the sisters of these Woods

By Sister Editha Ben | October 30, 2015 |

It was fitting that our discernment weekend for women interested in knowing more about religious life was during the FEST. It energized me to have seven women who came from Georgia, California, Michigan, and Indiana to have closer interactions with sisters, especially our sisters in initial formation and our sisters who minister in new membership.

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What brings you here? What are you searching for?

By Amy Miranda | October 17, 2015 |

One candidate said her 27-year-old daughter had come to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. She said she saw her daughter “became complete” here. So now she is coming as a Providence Associate candidate seeking to feel complete herself.

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Retired sisters share Saint Mother Theodore and her home

By Jena Thralls | October 15, 2015 |

“When I think of the challenges facing our Congregation today … it may seem like all appearances are against a vibrant future. I am called to remember what the six founding sisters faced, and that deepens my faith and trust in Providence.”

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Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Feast Day reflection

By Sister Diane Mason | October 3, 2015 |

175 years ago, our beginning was humble. We let go of what we knew and we embraced what was to come. 175 years later we are being asked to do the same. Trust me — as we continue to walk into this new era, as Sisters of Providence, Providence Associates, supporters and friends, we will grow into this era. Be patient. Be prayerful.

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In the Pope’s Presence

By Jason Moon | October 2, 2015 |

Sister Lawrence Ann Liston reflects on witnessing Pope Francis’s address

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An unshakeable trust in God. It set Saint Mother Theodore Guerin apart and makes her a model for us in our daily living. Get to know our brave and inspiring foundress better through these stories.

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