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The surprising life of Sister Paula Damiano

By Sister Janet Gilligan | January 12, 2023 |

A favorite quote of Sister Paula’s is from the Persian poet Hafiz: “True art makes the divine silence in the soul break into applause.”

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Donors, you bless us beyond words!

By Diane Weidenbenner | January 12, 2023 |

Your generosity abounded! We raised a total of $30,772 from 110 gifts. We had first-time gifts from 13 people, including seven brand-new friends to the Congregation.

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Archives: telling our story of living the Gospel

By Sister Janet Gilligan | September 14, 2022 |

From the beginning, recording and preserving our story has been an essential element of our ministry.

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The heart of the matter: getting in touch with the Gospel of love

By Fr. Terry Johnson | September 14, 2022 |

The heart of God is alive and well in all of us as we live love, mercy, and justice each day!

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Sisters continue care for neighbors in need

By Jason Moon | September 14, 2022 |

And after all these years ministering to the community, both Sisters Dorothy and Joseph feel like it is time to move on. But these sisters’ retirement does not mean the Sisters of Providence will no longer be serving their neighbors in need.

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Sister Paula Modaff: moving closer and closer to God

By Amy Miranda | September 14, 2022 |

Where is Sister Paula in her own relationship with God these days? “For the longest time now, I experience God as reality. Whatever is happening, that is the holy,” she says.

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Newsnotes from fall 2022 HOPE magazine

By Sisters of Providence | September 14, 2022 |

Catch up on some recent news and updates from the Sisters of Providence. Featured in the fall 2022 issue of HOPE magazine.

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The Sisters of Providence mission: living the Gospel today

By Sister Jeanne Hagelskamp | September 14, 2022 |

Over the past 180+ years, the Sisters of Providence have continually asked themselves: “To whom and to what are we being called at this time in history? Who are ‘the miserable’ in the world today? Who are the vulnerable most in need of our service?”

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A journey of Providence on Chicago’s westside

By Sister Joseph Ellen Keitzer | May 13, 2022 |

My journey in pastoral ministry has been very transforming for me. I have had the privilege and opportunity of stepping inside another race, culture and hearts. I am truly blessed.

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Sister Jessica Vitente: Leading and being led to God

By Sister Denise Wilkinson | May 12, 2022 |

Sister Jessica hopes the Newman Center provides the college students served with companions on the journey in service with one another, to the campus community and the community at large. Most importantly, the Center must let students know they are loved, accepted and belong to the community.

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Moving forward, exuding happiness: Sister Grace Marie Meehan

By Sister Janet Gilligan | May 12, 2022 |

Gracie, as she is fondly called, has always been known as someone who does not fret and worry. A cheerful, giving person, light-hearted and happy. But she is also a risk taker who broke down barriers.

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Music, nature, environmental justice all part of young Providence Associate’s call

By Holly Herber | May 12, 2022 |

I desired to be part of a community that serves in environmental and social justice. Inner stillness, creativity, combined with social action, is a walk I feel called to.

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Here you will find wonderful content from the Sisters of Providence. The articles here all appeared in HOPE magazine. The Sisters of Providence publish HOPE three times a year to share the mission, spirituality and ministries of the Sisters of Providence. Enjoy!

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