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A walk through the convent — technology photo album

By Christina Blust | January 10, 2014 |

We walk through the convent, where decades of technology sit comfortably side by side.

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Vowed for love, mercy and justice

By Amy Miranda | October 1, 2013 |

Four recently perpetually vowed Sisters of Providence reflect what it is to live the mission and service of a Sister of Providence in the world today.

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Sent to serve through the years

By Christina Blust | October 1, 2013 |

For the Congregation’s first 120 years in Indiana, Sisters of Providence learned of their assignments for the year by hearing the Obedience List read aloud on August 15, the day before sisters began to leave for the assigned missions.

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Community from afar

By Dave Cox | October 1, 2013 |

Sisters living far from the SP motherhouse still feel a deep connection to the community.

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Meeting needs far and wide

By Diane Weidenbenner | October 1, 2013 |

Sister Josephine ministered as a nurse from July 1969 to August 1971 in Vietnam during the war. She served taking care of children in an orphanage. Today she accompanies sisters having with special health needs.

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Accounting for relationships

By Diane Weidenbenner | October 1, 2013 |

Sister Deborah Campbell travels the world in service to the those in need in her ministry as senior auditor with Catholic Relief Services (CRS). “It’s those sorts of connections that are meaningful. I try to treat everyone like they are valuable, like I would want to be treated,” Sister Deborah said.

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SP mission: alive with the times

By Sister Paula Damiano | October 1, 2013 |

From 1840 to 2013 our mission has remained unchanged. The expression of that mission, the way we live it out has evolved so that we can continue to serve people facing the pressing needs of the times.

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Sister Laura Parker: a spiritual presence in the world

By Amy Miranda | October 1, 2013 |

Sister Laura Parker meets the challenges of ministering as a hospice chaplain by maintaining a relationship with God and by gaining strength from her Sisters of Providence community.

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Sister Susanne Gallagher creates home all around her

By Rosie Blankenship | May 1, 2013 |

(This article reprinted from the Summer 2013 edition of HOPE) For the last 45 years, Sister Susanne Gallagher has been making a church home for people with developmental disabilities in…

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Sister Evelyn Ovalles reflects on Saint Mary-of-the-Woods and home

By Sisters of Providence | May 1, 2013 |

Sister Evelyn Ovalles, a native of the Philippines, currently ministers as director of the Tribunal and judge for the diocese of Gary, Ind. What does home mean to you? “Home…

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The Practice of Homemaking and Community Shaping

By Sisters of Providence | May 1, 2013 |

(Chapter from “Love, Mercy, Justice: A Book of Practices of the Sisters of Providence.”) Home is a word and an experience as ancient as civilization itself and as rich, meaning-filled,…

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Earth as home

By Cheryl Casselman | May 1, 2013 |

(This article was originally published in the Summer 2013 edition of HOPE.) If you spend any amount of time with a Sister of Providence or a group of sisters, you…

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Here you will find wonderful content from the Sisters of Providence. The articles here all appeared in HOPE magazine. The Sisters of Providence publish HOPE three times a year to share the mission, spirituality and ministries of the Sisters of Providence. Enjoy!

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