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“I wanted to work with God’s working poor, who lost all of their belongings during the hurricane. They were living in broken down trailers with two or three families in each,” Sister Cathy Buster said. The end result was the new community in Arcadia, Florida. Casa San Juan Bosco I is a 53-home complex for migrant farmworkers.
Read moreWhen Sister Mary asked if they had seen the Log Cabin Chapel yet, three of the men responded in unison, proudly and humbly, “We helped build it.” This was a reunion of sorts for the three men who were inmates in 2012 at the Federal Penitentiary in Terre Haute. Before their release, they vowed to return to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods for a visit, and this weekend was that moment.
Read moreWe invite you to be part of God’s mission for the Sisters of Providence. To collaborate with us by supporting that mission with your donation of time, talent or treasure. We are blessed that our invitation to support our mission of outreach is providentially answered through you.
Read moreBefore discerning a focus, sisters and associates gave input on their priorities. Six key justice issues emerged: environment, human trafficking, immigration and refugees, anti-racism, women’s issues and nonviolence. Still … there was a clear desire for focus.
Read moreIt may help to define “contemplation” as “a long loving look at the real.”
Who doesn’t ponder a problem or give deep thought to a decision, sometimes asking God’s guidance without even realizing it?
“None of us is perfect. We need each other to be more whole. Amazingly God transforms us and enables us to be a people who can experience and share Christ’s mercy within a hurting world.” Sister Jane Iannaccone
Read moreNewly elected General Officers Sisters Dawn Tomaszewski, Jenny Howard, Jeanne Hagelskamp and Lisa Stallings all attended Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College at the same time. “Music was probably what drew us together,” Sister Dawn said.
Read moreSister Mary Cecilia Bailey reflected on Saint Mother Theodore’s style of leadership in a letter sent May 16, 1856: “She blended the tenderness of a Mother with the firmness of a Superior so perfectly that her government was most happy and effectual . . . “
Read more“Something I often say about my relationship with the Sisters of Providence is that I cannot stray too far from who I am when I am with them. They keep me grounded, keep me real. The conversations at Chapter, both about the future and the past, were not only relevant to the identity of the Congregation. They spoke to who each of the attendees were as individuals as well as to who we are all together as community,” writes Providence Associate Kaitlyn Willy.
Read more“At our recent General Chapter, we Sisters of Providence spent significant time talking about our expectations of one another as ‘sisters,’ as members of a Congregation who live ‘in community.’
We do not want to lose our presence to each other nor our sense of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods as home,” writes General Superior Sister Dawn Tomaszewski.
Here you will find wonderful content from the Sisters of Providence. The articles here all appeared in HOPE magazine. The Sisters of Providence publish HOPE three times a year to share the mission, spirituality and ministries of the Sisters of Providence. Enjoy!