Sister Cordelia Moran
Formerly Sister Ann de Sales
Sister Cordelia was born on May 8, 1930 and died on February 13, 2014.

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Sister Cordelia, formerly Sister Ann de Sales, was born on May 8, 1930. She died on Feb. 13, 2014. She was 83 years old and had been a Sister of Providence for 62 years.
Sister Cordelia entered the Congregation on July 22, 1951. She professed first and final vows on Jan. 23, 1954 and 1959, respectively.
For 23 years, Sister Cordelia ministered as an educator in schools in Illinois and Indiana. She had students that worked for many newspapers and magazines. She was chairperson of the journalism department at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. She also served as assistant editor with the American Camping Association and was director of public relations and development at Our Lady of Providence High School, Clarksville, Ind.
She returned to the Woods in 1979 to become director of communications for the Congregation.
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