Sister Charles Ellen Turk
Sister Charles Ellen was born on November 5, 1918 and died on December 25, 2019.

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Sister Charles Ellen was a native of Washington, Indiana.
Sister Charles Ellen entered the Congregation on January 11, 1936. She professed final vows on August 15, 1944.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education. She also has a master’s degree in mathematics from Indiana State University.
Sister Charles Ellen ministered as a teacher, guidance director, treasurer, administrator and in holistic health care.
Here is her complete ministry list:
In Indiana: Teacher/Principal, St. Ann, Indianapolis (1950-55); Teacher, Principal, St. Matthew, Indianapolis (1958-61); Teacher, Ladywood-St. Agnes, Indianapolis (1973-75); Guidance Director, Ladywood-St. Agnes, Indianapolis (1975-76); Guidance Director, Roncalli High School, Indianapolis (1976-78); Guidance Director/Assistant Principal, Roncalli High School, Indianapolis (1978-85); St. Gabriel Province Treasurer, St. Jude Convent, Indianapolis (1985-89); Convent Administrator/Province Health Assistant, St. Jude Convent, Indianapolis (1989-92); Area Assistant-Holistic Health Care, Indianapolis (1992-97); Residential Services Staff, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (1998-2008); Prayer, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (2008-2019).
In Illinois: Teacher, St. Leo, Chicago (1938-39); Teacher, St. Angela, Chicago (1939-41); Teacher, St. Mel, Chicago (1941); Teacher, St. Mel-Holy Ghost, Chicago (1941-44); Teacher, St. Angela, Chicago (1944-50); Teacher, Costa Catholic High School, Galesburg (1964-68); Guidance/Assistant Principal, Costa Catholic High School, Galesburg (1965-69); Principal, Mother Theodore Guerin High School, River Grove (1969-73).
In Missouri: Teacher/Principal, Our Lady of Providence High School, St. Louis (1955-58).
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