Sister Ann Margaret O'Hara

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Sister Ann Margaret is a native of Louisville. Currently, she ministers as an adviser to the general treasurer for the Congregation at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Ann Margaret entered the Congregation on July 22, 1955. She professed final vows on August 15, 1963.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in English. She also has a master’s degree in business education from Indiana University, and another master’s degree in pastoral theology from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College.
Sister Ann Margaret ministered as a teacher at the high school level and at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, where she was also Vice President of Student Affairs.
Sister Ann Margaret also ministered on the leadership team of the Congregation as a General Councilor, Vicar and was General Superior from 2001 to 2006.
Read more
Sister Ann Margaret is featured in the following content on the Sisters of Providence website:
- Get to know Providence Associate David Hudgens
- A view from the other side of health care
- Twenty-one Sisters of Providence celebrate Senior Jubilees
- Election and inauguration reflections
- General Superiors
- Sister Ann Margaret O’Hara
- A remarkable woman
- Spreading the mission of Providence
- Announcement to sisters – Feb. 21, 2006
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