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Forever yes! Final vows ceremony for Sisters Arrianne Whittaker and Tracey Horan
Saturday, Aug. 20, 2022, was a joyous day as Sisters of Providence Arrianne Whittaker and Tracey Horan professed perpetual vows as Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana! Our world is so blessed by the willingness of these wonderful women to give their lives to serving people in need through lives dedicated to love, mercy and justice. Read the reflection General Superior Sister Dawn Tomaszewski, SP, offered during the celebration.
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Thank you so much for these photos, Amy. It is so wonderful to be able to see them through your lens. You did a magnificent job!
Thank you for sharing. Congratulations. Loved your beautiful smiles and many Blessings.

♥️ Diane Estringel PA
Congratulations ladies. Blessings and best wishes for your future as a Sister of Providence.