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Journals and Letters week 41: Oh, Maria and other friends

Published on July 17, 2021

…a temporary affair that will suffer from the caprices of men.” Helen Reddy – I Am Woman I’ll be there for you. Mother Theodore’s letter to Madame Le Fer de la Motte – a letter from one dear friend to another. Knowing her friend grieves the death of a loved one, Mother Theodore offers these words of comfort. “Does it not seem to you, Madame, that you are only separated from these dear friends by a curtain, the corner of…



Sisters to take part in historical marker dedication

Published on September 17, 2021

The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, along with many other organizations, will take part in the dedication of a historical marker for George Ward during a ceremony at 3 p.m., on Sunday, Sept. 26. The event will take place at 100 Dresser Dr., Terre Haute, at the north end of Fairbanks Park where Ward, an African-American, was lynched and his body burned by an angry mob in February 1901. The only lynching to take place in Vigo County occurred…



Guerin Prep Announces Closing

Published on January 16, 2020

…Providence responded to a request by the Archdiocese of Chicago, to change the mission of Mother Guerin and become a co-ed institution, honoring Mother Theodore Guerin’s charge to “Love the children first, then teach them.” The school was renamed Guerin College Prep in 2005. Transition teams will assist students to identify the best options for completing their high school education. A student fair will be hosted at the school with representatives from other Catholic high schools. Assistance will also be…



Newsnotes from the Sisters of Providence winter 2022

Published on January 12, 2022

…of Mr. George Ward, a resident of Terre Haute, we have an opportunity to open ourselves, all of us, to the stark reality of historical and current expressions of systemic racism,” Sisters of Providence Justice Promoter Sister Barbara Battista said. “We, along with our entire nation, have work to do. Our nation is in the midst of a racial awakening.” The ceremony took place on Sept. 26 at the north end of Fairbanks Park in Terre Haute where the incident…



Ash Wednesday: The ‘Black Friday’ of the Church year

Published on March 2, 2022

…a little uncertain and incomplete. Sacrifice, we think, (aside from possibly being icky, old-fashioned, unnecessary, unfair and lacking in self-care, among other things) needs to be grand and complex — usually with a clear start and finish. We long for a way to express what we believe and hold in our hearts. It’s the yearning that Psalm 63 describes: “O God … for you I long; for you my soul is thirsting. My body pines for you like a dry,…



Making sense of warring leaders both made in God’s image

Published on March 26, 2022

…new role were fairly low.  Ironically, he once acted in an eerily prescient sitcom called “Servant of the People.” In this he played a high school teacher who rails against corruption. And, after a student’s film of him goes viral, ends up elected president! Then he actually did become president! I don’t know if he’s still playing a role, acting “as if” he has the power of the Holy Spirit with him. I do know that he is bravely and…



Oral history: Sister Patricia Geis, a life of adventures and little ones

Published on August 4, 2022

…exhibits many traits attributed to middle children: peacemaker, independent and self-motivated, easygoing, innovative, successful, a seeker of fairness, balance and justice. Both sets of her grandparents were first-generation Americans. Her paternal grandparents had come to America from Germany and her mother’s parents from Poland. Sister Patty Geis’s last name is German, although as a child she wanted to have her mother’s Polish maiden name: Cieszykowski. Sister Patty early in her religious life Young Patty grew up in a household of…



Border Stories: Opening the Door to the Kingdom God Wants

Published on September 16, 2022

…two women, had been paroled into the U.S. during an exceptions process in the spring. All while these two families were hiding out in another town for their safety. I waited for one of the women to say that it wasn’t fair. That we should have let them know about the possibility of crossing into the U.S. when it came along. But to my surprise, they were both smiling. ‘It was worth it’ “¿Así que valió la pena?” one of…



Oral history: the adventures and challenges of Sister Dorothy Ellen Wolsiffer, SP

Published on November 5, 2022

…as are many of the Sisters of Providence, who grew up during the Great Depression and World War II. She knew the struggles and hardships experienced by her own family as well as families just like hers around the world. That Silent Generation appreciates hard work, they exhibit perseverance, determination, resilience, self-sacrifice, fairness. This is an apt description for Sister Dorothy, who was born on North LaSalle Street in Indianapolis in a house her father John Valentine Wolsiffer built. He…



Newsnotes from winter 2023 HOPE magazine

Published on January 12, 2023

…for the many who joined us. Then on Dec. 10, guests young and old joined us for Christmas Fun at the Woods with sing-alongs, cookie decorating, nativity dress up and more. Join us for the fun at our next event, our Earth Day Festival and Craft Fair on Saturday, April 22, at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Sister Jeanne Hagelskamp, center, and other volunteers help with games during Fall Farm Day. It’s a girl! Welcome to our new alpaca addition at the Woods,…


Gospel reflection

February 12, 2023: Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on February 9, 2023

…for which we will be judged. The responsibility lies with each of us to form our conscience so that we recognized when we have crossed the line and are no longer following the spirit as well as the letter of the law, of the commandments. True, there is righteous anger such as toward unfair treatment of another or other actions that are hurtful. Jesus displayed that kind of anger when he threw the money changers out of the temple (Matthew…



Sisters to host ‘River Witness’ event

Published on March 2, 2023

To culminate Catholic Sisters Week, the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, along with other organizations, will host a public “River Witness” from 2-3 p.m., on Tuesday, March 14, at Fairbanks Park in Terre Haute, in tribute to Laudato Si and Care for our Earth. Sister Mary Montgomery (left) and Sister Joni Luna during the 2022 River Witness. The public is invited to join the Sisters of Providence and others. It is suggested that those who attend should bring…


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