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Sister Regis McNulty

Published on December 4, 2020

…New Hampshire Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors, recognizing her many years of accomplishment in the fields of addiction and education. Candidate-associate Jane Fischer leads sisters and associates in song, with from left, Sisters Betty Koressel, Regis McNulty and Margaret Kelly. Whether serving in the educational or the medial field, by all accounts, Regis was a great teacher, a former student calling her the “best teacher I ever had.” Another saying that, “She was strict but fair, an excellent teacher. I’ll…



You can help bring a happy ending to restore St. Joseph’s Lake

Published on January 11, 2021

…describes how “a little dribble was found and another and then another. … it was not many months before the water was fairly deep and could be pumped up to the power house and from there to other buildings.” Besides filling a critical need, the sisters enjoyed the unplanned but welcome wooded area around the newly created lake. Part two of the beginning happened in 1971 when a friend of Sister Jean Fuqua visited the lake area and remarked “this…



Sisters to host ‘The True Costs: Stories of Human Trafficking’ performance and discussion

Published on January 12, 2021

…are forced into sex and labor for exploitation and unfair wages.” Sister Barbara added it is critical for all to learn more about these atrocities in order to help find ways to combat human trafficking. “It is vitally important that we address this sin and horror of the greed and exploitation because of Human Trafficking, the stealing of one’s dignity, personhood, self-worth and human flourishing,” Sister Barbara said. “Trafficking violates all principles of social justice in the Catholic Social Teaching…



Congregation releases calls for action, days of prayer in anticipation of Inauguration Day

Published on January 16, 2021

…fast for the healing of our nation and of our world. Prayer and Action As people of faith and as citizens of the United States, we watched the violent incursion at the U.S. Capitol on the Feast of the Epiphany with horror, fear and sadness. Violence aimed at subverting the will of the people determined through a fair and free election is unconscionable. As we approach the January 20 Inauguration of a new President and Vice President, we encourage all…



Sister Charles Van Hoy

Published on January 27, 2021

…at the spine that Aunt Marjorie gave me as a graduation gift. It sits on the bookshelf right next to where I read every day, so I can see it and think of her. I haven’t used it in a while, but it will remain there so I can always remember her.” Her nephew Martin recalled his early grade school years when “Church seemed like a grave affair, requiring patience and stoicism, even with the advent of Carey Landry and…



Poems from Sister Mary Theodosia Mug

Published on March 23, 2021

…Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. We wanted to share some of Sister Mary Theodosia’s poems with you. Providence In Gentleness, in might, In paths of light And darksome leadings oft; In sorrow’s cloud, surprise In joy’s fair guise And cadence sweet and soft; In wondrous hope, in peace, In doubt’s surcease, And faith’s omnipotence; Comes ever to our view, The ages through, A loving Providence. To Mother Theodore May we hear what Angels whisper as we gaze Upon the smiles thy tender…



Earth Day should be every day

Published on March 31, 2021

April has snuck up on us and while we are so close to embracing a return to normalcy, we’re just not quite there yet. It was a hard decision but for the second year in a row the Sisters of Providence have decided to cancel our annual Earth Day Festival & Craft Fair that would have been scheduled for Saturday, April 24. But although we may have canceled the event, we have not canceled what it stands for each year:…



Leadership Team shares statement from LCWR

Published on March 30, 2021

…selves. Inclusion helps us all know that we belong to something bigger – the reign of God, in our view as religious. At the same time, we will work to guarantee a society marked by fairness, equal access and opportunity, and justice for all people. As we continue this lifelong work of non-judgmentally walking along side persons whose ways of being may differ from our own, we anticipate that at times we will fail. We ask for forgiveness when we…



Take a deep breath: spiritual direction during pandemic

Published on May 3, 2021

…fears and frustrations? So, Sister Marsha continued the spiritual direction relationships via phone calls, Zoom, FaceTime. (Take a deep breath. Let the light shine through.) Addressing a need Sister Paula Damiano, SP, co-director of Providence Spirituality and Conference Center and a spiritual director, related the same experience. “During the first month of the pandemic, we had very few requests from persons seeking spiritual direction. However, things changed fairly quickly. Once people became aware that this would go on for some…



Get to know Providence Associate Cathy Allen

Published on May 21, 2021

…Associates as well as new women becoming Sisters of Providence. Coming to work at PHC all those years ago was one of the best things I’ve done, and I am so thankful I was blessed to spend most of my career working in Providence Health Care. The Sisters of Providence community does so much to help those in need and to make our world fairer and more just. Learn more about becoming a Providence Associate of the Sisters of Providence…



‘Dear Friend’

Published on June 1, 2021

…James, and Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln. (Wouldn’t you love to read their correspondence?) Penning Traditions The traditional definition of “pen pal” includes the understanding that the two letter-writers don’t know each other ahead of time. “Pals” are matched various ways: Through teacher-driven programs (like the Student Letter Exchange, founded in 1936), computer algorithms (like the Parker Pen company’s pen pal computer, featured at the 1964-65 New York World’s Fair), or even online. And it’s not just children doing the…



Get to know Providence Associate Brad Crites

Published on June 2, 2021

…type,” most of that time was spent reading and learning. But there was also a fair amount of talking with my companion, my family and friends. And I reflected quite a lot about what I was hoping for from this relationship. Since COVID changed our ‘normal’ halfway through that candidate year, I’ve felt a little more removed from the community. But I’m also very grateful to have the opportunities to connect over the internet for events and activities that I…


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