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Deep love and healing

Published on December 20, 2016

…never heard of the Sisters of Providence, so he wrote to Sister Mary Roger Madden. She replied that the donor wished to remain anonymous. “To this day,” he said, “I have no idea who it was. No idea.” Sister Marie Kevin Tighe also reached out to Ezra during this time. She sent him a long letter, a copy of Mother Theodore Guerin’s Journals & Letters, and three Sisters of Providence history books. Then she sent another letter, in which she…



Responding to a rise in hate crimes

Published on December 12, 2016

…accurately identify and report hate crimes to the state police and to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). While Sen. Taylor notes that Indiana already requires law enforcement to report these incidents, only five of 200 agencies actually comply with the law. The one caution I have about Sen. Taylor’s legislation is the possibility that the death penalty will be used, given the freedom of the judicial system to decide the penalty. I encourage you to express your support, but…



CNN shares Mother Theodore’s journey to sainthood

Published on May 15, 2012

This article is reprinted from the summer 2012 issue of HOPE. Sister Marie Kevin Tighe, vice postulator and promoter of the Cause for Saint Mother Theodore, is shown being photographed by CNN photo journalist Leon Jobe. Jen Christensen, producer for CNN Presents, is pictured at left. Cable News Network (CNN) searches worldwide for intriguing stories to share with its millions of viewers. So, when CNN contacted the Congregation in October 2011 to inquire about sharing Saint Mother Theodore’s gripping journey…



Day of Departure

Published on May 2, 2018

…foreign mission of China of six of the Sisters of Providence, the first American Sisterhood to send laborers into the fields of the Orient. “These six sisters, Sister Marie Gratia, Sister Mary Elise, Sister Eugene Marie, Sister Clare, Sister Winifred Patrice, and Sister Marie Patricia, are the favored among the three hundred Sisters who volunteered their services for the foreign missions. For some years to come, however, recruits to the Chinese missions will be sent from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods to help…



Week 6: Walking through Lent with Saint Mother Theodore

Published on April 2, 2017

…often in conflict. She patiently struggled to gain from him the promises he had made to the Community to secure their mission: the deed to the property where they lived and approval of their Rules of life. • How do I treat others with compassion even when they have hurt me? • When have others treated me with respect and compassion even though I have hurt them? • How do I treat myself with compassion when I make mistakes? Tuesday,…


Gospel reflection

October 31, 2021: Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

Published on October 28, 2021

Gospel – Mark 12:28b-34 One of the scribes came to Jesus and asked him, “Which is the first of all the commandments?” Jesus replied, “The first is this: Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is Lord alone! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than…



The call to be resurrected: What if we made a shield of love?

Published on April 16, 2022

…of Providence invite women who are interested in exploring whether or not they have a vocation to religious life to come and share in the life of the community. For the first time in two years. we were able to have an in-person Come and See. So, there we were, gathered in the soft morning light of the community room in one of our main Motherhouse buildings. Seven young women seekers, our own newer and younger members and a cast…



O Antiphon – O wisdom from on high

Published on December 17, 2018

…antiphons trace a chronological path through Israel’s history of people and events that led to the coming of the Messiah who brought salvation for the people. The illustrations add visuals for reflection and contemplative insights into the meaning of the antiphons and enhance their beauty. We invite you to reflect on an O Antiphon each day leading to Christmas. One word dominated this ancient prayer – Come!!! For what need or desire do you most eagerly pray, “Come, Lord Jesus?”…



To Mother Theodore and companions

Published on October 22, 2020

Editor’s note: On this Foundation Day, as we celebrate the arrival of Saint Mother Theodore and her companions in Saint Mary-of-the-Woods in 1840, we share this poem created by Sister Thomas Jeanne Doriot, SP, in the 1970s. Several sisters who have been using it for prayer this time of year have passed it on to be shared with all of you. Fragile forerunners of ourselves, we thank you for your coming. Bearing sainted heroes’ names across the sea, you are…



Sister Hannah experiences “the grace of the vows”

Published on July 19, 2012

…of Providence and began to fall in love with the sisters and the way they choose life. Four years of initial discernment, which included a summer of volunteering at White Violet Center for Eco-Justice and Providence Health Care, and three years of formal formation within the community proceeded my first profession of vows. What an affirming, challenging, and grace-filled journey it has been! Before I entered community, I had a limited understanding of the vows, but I resonated with the…


Gospel reflection

August 20, 2023: Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time

Published on August 17, 2023

…this? I know what rattles me about this passage. It is incredibly difficult for me to ask for help. By the time I come forward to ask, I am a mess and in need and usually ashamed to ask. I should be able to handle everything without help. This is the story I place on the Canaanite woman. I know her well. She had convinced herself to come for help and it has been hard. She does not need the…



The shepherd’s crook and staff

Published on October 1, 2012

  Shepherd’s crook In the past two weeks, two of our sisters have died. We celebrated their lives with stories, prayer, and Eucharistic liturgy. Psalm 23 — the song of praise to the Good Shepherd — was part of both celebrations. For days, a particular verse of that psalm has taken up residence in my mind and heart: “For your crook and your staff give me comfort.” I keep wondering what the difference is — from the sheep’s point of…


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