New Membership
7/7 Women’s Monthly Prayer Group: Vulnerability
VirtualWe can learn to lean in faith on God's providence and can find help and comfort in one another
7/7 Women’s Monthly Prayer Group: Fear
VirtualWe can learn to lean in faith on God's providence and can find help and comfort in one another
7/7 Women’s Monthly Prayer Group: Hope
VirtualWe can learn to lean in faith on God's providence and can find help and comfort in one another
Come and See Retreat – Spring 2025
Various locations at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods 1 Sisters of Providence, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, INWhat is it like to be a Catholic Sister today? Come and See! Explore if you might be called to life as a Sister of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Free weekend retreat March 28-30, 2025!
7/7 Women’s Monthly Prayer Group: Shame
VirtualWe can learn to lean in faith on God's providence and can find help and comfort in one another
7/7 Women’s Monthly Prayer Group: Joy
VirtualWe can learn to lean in faith on God's providence and can find help and comfort in one another
7/7 Women’s Monthly Prayer Group: Gratitude
VirtualWe can learn to lean in faith on God's providence and can find help and comfort in one another