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Ann Wagner Harper: Finding the Silver Lining

By Connie McCammon | September 1, 2006 |

“Look for the silver lining.” That musical line has been the personal mantra of Ann Wagner Harper for many years. During her days on radio and television and later as…

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Sister Paula Modaff

By Sisters of Providence | September 1, 2006 |

“Little Paula Modaff in Rome.” Sister Paula Modaff the high school teacher. Sister Paula Modaff the student, studying Spanish and Latin American Literature in Mexico. Sister Paula Modaff the paralegal.…

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Sister Barbara Zeller

By Sisters of Providence | July 30, 2006 |

Sister Barbara Ann Zeller describes herself as innately shy. In her younger years, she said she was a loner. She used to have a penchant for running away from some…

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Sister Susan Paweski

By Sisters of Providence | June 7, 2006 |

I announced to my family that I wanted to be a Sister of Providence after my second day in first grade. The year was 1956. August 14, 2005, I professed…

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Sister Ann Margaret O’Hara

By Sisters of Providence | June 6, 2006 |

Sister Ann Margaret O’Hara’s five-year term as general superior of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods is moving toward its end. She has been in a leadership position for…

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Mary Kathleen Fleming: A Heart for Providence

By Connie McCammon | June 1, 2006 |

At one point in her life she answered to Sister Melanie. Today, she answers to Kathleen or to Kathy when called that by close friends. During the 1970s, when the…

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Sister Ann Sullivan

By Sisters of Providence | May 30, 2006 |

Remember when you actually received something you sought and that queasy feeling of “what do I do now” came over you? Sister Ann Sullivan, director of White Violet Center for…

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Spreading the mission of Providence

By Dave Cox | May 14, 2006 |

This article is reprinted from summer 2006 issue of HOPE. WWMTGT? Ah, yes, another acronym to clutter the collection of letter-laced configurations. But just What Would Mother Theodore Guerin Think…

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Nearing the realization of a dream

By Dave Cox | May 14, 2006 |

This article is reprinted from summer 2006 issue of HOPE. A project that once seemed like a dream and posed an incredible challenge is heading toward reality. Providence Cristo Rey…

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Sister Marie Kevin Tighe

By Sisters of Providence | April 7, 2006 |

Editor’s note: Sister Marie Kevin died May 19, 2014, at age 89. Recently I read, “Those who come to religious life seem to have been born with a particular charism…

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Finding a source of fuel

By Connie McCammon | March 11, 2006 |

Fueling the Congregation’s needs at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods has always been of utmost importance, starting in 1840 when Blessed Mother Theodore Guerin, the foundress, first stepped foot on this sacred ground.…

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Sister Doreen Lai

By Sisters of Providence | January 30, 2006 |

My grandparents and parents came from Mainland China, but I was born in Singapore. Growing up in this multicultural environment was enriching. A melange of spiritual experiences colored my earliest…

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