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I unite with all my sisters and all who share the charism of Providence …

By Aurelia VonTress | March 31, 2015 |

These are the women who taught me how to be who I am without apologizing, to be faithful to the Gospel even when it means being at odds with hierarchy, and to seek out peace in all things. I have learned so much about being a woman, a Christian, a Catholic, an environmental steward, and generally being a human from these people.

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Palm Sunday

By Sister Denise Wilkinson | March 26, 2015 |

My question to Jean Brown, our administrative assistant: “If you had to write a reflection on Palm Sunday, what would you write?” Her instant response: “I’d start with the palms.”…

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Let the winter go: a prayer ritual

By Diann Neu | March 21, 2015 |

Depart from our lives, deadening spirit of winter.
Response: Go, winter, go!

Be gone, all ice, sleet, and cold in our personal lives: snide remarks, judgmental statements, cruel jokes, nasty gossip, untruthful comments, fear, anger, jealousy.
Response: Go, winter, go!

Be gone, times of loneliness and harshness.
Response: Go, winter, go!

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A call to discernment

By Jason Moon | March 17, 2015 |

Tracey Horan on life as a postulant

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Living as a young nun

By Jason Moon | March 13, 2015 |

Sister Anji Fan reflects on her discernment

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When I’m rich: Providence dreams in the Desert

By Sister Carol Nolan | March 11, 2015 |

A few days ago, Leticia, one of Sister Loretta’s students here at Providence in the Desert, said to Sister Loretta, “When I’m rich, I want to have a car like yours.”

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International Women’s Day

By Sister Kathleen Desautels | March 8, 2015 |

May It Be So!

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Life lessons from Ebony

By Sister Donna Butler | March 6, 2015 |

‘Leave this world a better place for our having been in it’

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How relics became meaningful

By Sister Paula Damiano | March 4, 2015 |

Sister Paula Damiano shares her experience with relics and how they became more meaningful to her.

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10 ways to celebrate the Year of Consecrated Life!

By Sister Editha Ben | March 2, 2015 |

The Sisters of Providence suggest 10 ways for you to participate in the Year of Consecrated Life, named by Pope Francis, beginning Nov. 30, 2014 to Feb. 2, 2016.

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A call to change

By Joan Frisz | February 28, 2015 |

There are many things from which we can fast — irreverence, exploitation, and control, for example. I heard some options several years ago that bear repeating: We can choose to fast from having the last word, or fast from holding on to a past hurt or memory. We can fast from always being right so that we can hear and hold sacred the truth of another.

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Grateful for the gifts of each day

By Sister Rosemary Schmalz | February 25, 2015 |

The days have gently slipped by, and I have only a few more weeks with my loving sisters in this small village on this beautiful island of Sri Lanka.
We walked, climbed, and gazed, almost always in the hot sun. To enter into the area around any of the shrines, one had to remove shoes and hat, which meant that one was even more vulnerable to the blazing sun and the hot paving stones and sand that surrounded the shrines. At the end of each day, we were exhausted but grateful for its gifts.

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