Sister Dina Bato, a woman in formation with the Sisters of Providence, shares what Foundation Day means to her. In Sister Dina’s words, “Mother Theodore brought all of who she was into this mission. That’s what we’re called to do.”
Read moreThe seeds we plant today will be our sustenance and seeds for tomorrow.
Read moreOne candidate said her 27-year-old daughter had come to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. She said she saw her daughter “became complete” here. So now she is coming as a Providence Associate candidate seeking to feel complete herself.
Read moreSisters, SMWC students partake in Choctoberfest!
Read moreSisters Arrianne Whittaker, Mary Mundy offer perspective of Nuns on the Bus stops
Read moreSister Tracey reflects on the experience of running in the dark and what it teaches her about community: “As silly as I knew my fear of the dark was…the knowledge of other bouncing lights was so hopeful to me in those pre-dawn moments.”
Read more175 years ago, our beginning was humble. We let go of what we knew and we embraced what was to come. 175 years later we are being asked to do the same. Trust me — as we continue to walk into this new era, as Sisters of Providence, Providence Associates, supporters and friends, we will grow into this era. Be patient. Be prayerful.
Read moreSister Lawrence Ann Liston reflects on witnessing Pope Francis’s address
Read moreWhat Francis speaks is Christ-centered, Gospel-centered common sense. Let us rejoice that we have a Pope who speaks for the poor, who challenges those in power, who will not be shut up by nay-sayers who call him a false prophet.
Read moreThe color and clarity are full of potential, but it must change from its brittle, breakable self into the beauty for which it is designed. The bead is in the glass rod, but it is not the glass rod.
Read moreFor 30 years Rufina Martinez lived in the United States and spoke very little English. Each day was a struggle for the Mexican immigrant. Thanks to Sister Carol Nolan and Providence in the Desert, life is getting easier for Rufina.
Read moreWelcome to our blog. Here, we will share with you stories of our lives as Sisters of Providence. We invite Providence Associates to write in this space also. We hope you find these posts enjoyable and inspirational.