Chocolate for everyone! – A Fair Trade Event
Recently, the Sisters of Providence and students at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (SMWC) got together for an evening of fellowship and fun.
And chocolate!
The third annual Choctoberfest took place in the Rooney Library on campus with several students and sisters taking part.
“I enjoy interacting with the students,” Sister Mary Montgomery said. “Choctoberfest is a great evening with meaning and purpose. Plus it’s fun!”
The fun-packed evening was created close to three years ago after college campus minister Andrea Beyke had a conversation with Sister Mary. Now, Beyke initiates a lunch meeting with a group of students and Sister Mary to plan the event.
Sister Mary said there were three chocolate fountains “flowing with delicious fair trade warm chocolate.” In addition, the sisters and students had the chance to dip fresh fruit, peanut butter crackers, Oreos, marshmallows and pretzels into the chocolate.
Fair trade coffee and hot chocolate were also available.

Sister Mary Montgomery and Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College Saint Mother Theodore Guerin scholars (from left) Mari Bennett, Bry-Chell Johnson, Madeline McCue, Shannon Sonderman, Devyn Burns, Shannon Lueking, Kristin Foster and Madison Miller.
“We had 10 varieties of Equal Exchange large chocolate bars for sale,” Sister Mary said. “Buying Fair Trade chocolate makes the world sweeter, as all purchases help provide a fair wage and better working conditions for the workers in the chocolate ‘farms’ where Equal Exchange and Divine Chocolate companies purchase their cacao.”
Sister Mary added that she and Beyke host the event in collaboration with the Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Scholarship students.
Music was provided by former SMWC students Julia Lopez Kaley, Jill Storm and Jackie Martin.
Sisters in attendance included Sister Francis Edwards – whom Sister Mary called the “one of the biggest fans of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College,” and Sisters Donna Butler, Emily Walsh, Barbara Battista, Rosemary Schmalz, Tracey Horan, Joni Luna, Janice Smith and Editha Ben.
Great event! And don’t forget that you can always purchase Fair Trade chocolate, along with a zillion other Fair Trade items in Linden Leaf Gifts!
Great event! And don’t forget that you can always purchase Fair Trade chocolate, along with a zillion other Fair Trade items in Linden Leaf Gifts!