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We can all use a little help with prayer sometimes. The Sisters of Providence hope to help inspire you! Whether it's the perfect Saint Mother Theodore Guerin quote or a prayer written by a Sister of Providence, let the right words bring Providence into your life. Browse the prayers below or if you're looking for something specific, use the “Topics” search in the search area.

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92 results

Topic: hope


The Holiness of Providence

Today I took a journey deep into my soul

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Prayer for a brighter new year

Instead, I will ask that Your resolutions be mine.
Your path, my path. Your will, my will.
Let us walk headlong into this new year together.

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Prayer for facing job insecurity

Shore me up, You who make
all things possible. Grant me hope.
Give me strength. Help me be open
to what may be — fewer hours,
less money, even a change in jobs.

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Prayer for healing from family/generational trauma

All we can do is remember: With God all things are possible,
even the mending of a broken home.

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For Those Who Have Mothered Us

May others find in us the shelter and the love that we have been so freely given by those who have mothered us

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Lord if we ever need you, we need you now

Shine your sunlight on the seeds of life

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Day of the Dead/ Dia de los Muertos Prayer

Creator of the Universe, in your grace you promise us that those who die still live in Your presence. Their spirits have simply been transformed but have not ended.  I pray in gratitude and hope for my family, relatives and friends that have gone before me, and for all the dead known to You alone.

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Woman at the Well

I don’t even want to recount
what has happened
in my life this year.
I just want to be with the One
who already knows.
who knows me through and through
better than I know myself.

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A walk with God

Be my guide.
Help me to be aware
Of all that lies before, behind and around me.

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A Prayer for Students

Embrace these students and teachers with your love.

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Prayer in this Time of Need

Heal those who are sick. Restore them to full health.

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Christmas Prayer

‘O, may His holy Coming make all your New Year bright!’

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Quote of the day

July 27
“Trusting all your affairs to [God] will see that all will be well.”
– Saint Mother Theodore Guerin