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Sisters of Providence
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Content written by Sisters of Providence
An open letter regarding the use of military force in Syria
Dear friends, In praying our Litany of Nonviolence, we beg God for the grace of non-violent hearts. As the crisis in Syria unfolds, we invite you to beg for that grace for world leaders and to join in the special day of fasting and prayer proclaimed by our Pope Francis for peace. He has designated…
Sister Anne Therese Falkenstein
“As Sisters of Providence we have a very profound love and respect for one another. We pray daily, respect all human beings, collaboratively serve others including the poor, sick and underprivileged, care for the earth, challenge one another, support each other in good times and bad, accept each other despite our imperfections, celebrate each other’s successes, accompany one another in our disappointments, strive to be the persons God has called us to be, value the wisdom of various generations, are quick to forgive, honor the life and work of Saint Theodora Guerin and constantly discern God’s will,” says Sister Anne Therese Falkenstein.
Sister Conrad Monrad
“We enjoyed Sister Conrad’s quiet presence, her thoughtful, loving, deliberate ways. That is what we will all miss. Conrad, we thank you for who you were and are.” Sister Conrad Monrad died June 28, 2013. She was 92 years old and had lived 74 years as a Sister of Providence.
Sister Mary Patricia Peacock (formerly Sister Alice Elizabeth)
“It seemed as though Sister Mary Pat was always looking forward to the next encounter, the next opportunity to be of service.” Sister Mary Patricia Peacock died June 28, 2013 at age 85. She had lived 68 years as a Sister of Providence.
Sister Deborah Campbell to take Perpetual Vows Sunday
Sister Deborah Campbell, who will take Perpetual Vows on Sunday, June 30, talks about her ministry with Catholic Relief Services.
Sister Laura Parker to take Perpetual Vows with the SPs on Sunday
Sister Laura Parker will take Perpetual Vows with the Sisters of Providence Sunday, June 30, in the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Sister Patty Wallace to take final step in becoming an SP on Sunday
Sister Patty Wallace to take Perpetual Vows on Sunday, June 30, at 11 a.m. Mass, with the Sisters of Providence.
Sister Beth Wright to take Perpetual Vows on Sunday
The SPs welcome Sister Beth Wright, as she prepares to take Perpetual Vows this Sunday during the 11 a.m. Mass.
Sisters of Providence welcome Nuns on the Bus
The Nuns on the Bus visited Providence in the Desert, a ministry of the Sisters of Providence and a division of Guerin Outreach Ministries, on June 13. Many sisters came together to support just immigration reform.
Sister Dorothy McLaughlin
“There is a giving which will not impoverish and a withholding that will not enrich,” Sister Danielle Sullivan thought this an appropriate summary for the life of Sister Dorothy McLaughlin who died Monday, June 17, 2013 at age 94 having lived 77 years as a Sister of Providence.
Sister Jeanne Knoerle photo album
Remembering Sister Jeanne Knoerle through photos. Sister Jeanne died June 10, 2013.
The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, are a congregation of Roman Catholic women religious (sisters) who minister throughout the United States and Taiwan. Saint Mother Theodore Guerin founded the Sisters of Providence in 1840. The congregation has a mission of being God's Providence in the world by committing to performing works of love, mercy and justice in service among God's people.