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Sisters of Providence
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Content written by Sisters of Providence
My Current Situation in Asia: A Quadrillion Blessings
The entire experience was one of the great quadrillion blessings of my life as a Sister of Providence
Miracle Home: A Holistic Care Service Center for Long-Term Care
Miracle Home provides home care services, respite care, meals on wheels, day care services and community services for the elderly
Sign this petition!
Sign the Catholic Climate Petition and support the Pope’s ecological call
Leadership Team letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan
‘Though there are a variety of issues that are negatively impacted by the proposed federal budget, the issue of health care seems most critical’
Papal Aid Calls For Legal Migration Channels To End ‘Travesty’ Of Human Trafficking
This article, “Papal Aid calls for legal migration channels to end ‘travesty’ of human trafficking,” was recently featured on the Sisters Against Trafficking website. We wanted to share the article with you. Here is a link to the article.
I was jailed as a child. I know it’s possible to reintegrate into society with support
This column was recently featured in The Guardian. It was written by Xavier McElrath-Bey, a senior advisor and national advocate at the Campaign for the Fair Sentencing Youth. We wanted to share the article with you. Here is a link to the article.
A donor reminisces about Sister Rose Marita
The Mission Advancement staff loves to receive information from our donors about their connections to the Sisters of Providence. Joseph Krumme certainly has such a connection, dating back 60 years when he was taught by Sister Rose Marita Riordan (RIP) as a fifth grader at St. Anthony of Padua School in Gardena, Calif. His favorite…
News Notes
Three sisters profess vows Three wonderful women made vows as Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana on June 25. Sisters Anna Fan and Tracey Horan professed first vows and Sister Dina Bato professed perpetual vows as a Sister of Providence. We are so blessed! Providence Associates celebrate 10 years The Providence Associates of the…
Introducing Foley Park Pavers
We are excited to announce another location on this “holy ground” of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods where donors may honor or memorialize loved ones or recognize special occasions.
Recurring gifts keep giving
“My reason for monthly donations is appreciation for the strong educational role nuns have played in my life and that they deserve to be cared for lovingly at the end of their lives.”
Faithful donors make mission possible
In Marion Rapp’s 1987 Christmas letter to the sisters, she wrote “I met the sisters, for the first time, when I entered the first grade class at Our Lady of Mercy grammar school. On my part, it was a matter of love-at-first-sight, a long-lasting love.”
Help people in need through the Foley Legacy Fund
The newly established Foley Legacy Fund will continue to financially support ministries that provide direct service to the economically poor and underserved.
The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, are a congregation of Roman Catholic women religious (sisters) who minister throughout the United States and Taiwan. Saint Mother Theodore Guerin founded the Sisters of Providence in 1840. The congregation has a mission of being God's Providence in the world by committing to performing works of love, mercy and justice in service among God's people.