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Three sisters profess vows

Three wonderful women made vows as Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana on June 25. Sisters Anna Fan and Tracey Horan professed first vows and Sister Dina Bato professed perpetual vows as a Sister of Providence. We are so blessed!

Providence Associates celebrate 10 years

The Providence Associates of the Sisters of Providence are celebrating their 10-year anniversary on Nov. 8, 2017. The festivities will include a celebratory anniversary Mass and reception.

Providence Associates are women and men of faith ages 18 and older who walk with the Sisters of Providence. In their everyday lives, associates bring forth the sisters’ mission of working to create a more just and hope-filled world through prayer, education, service and advocacy.

Sister Mary Montgomery working with interns

White Violet Center for Eco-Justice staff welcomed Sister Mary Montgomery, SP, as the new internship program coordinator in June. Interns do manual farm labor that helps them understand what it takes to grow food and raise fiber animals.

Sister Mary has been a Sister of Providence for 50 years. She has served many years as a pastoral minister with special interests in spirituality, service with the poor and justice. For eight years she served as director of the Providence Volunteer Ministry, a former ministry of the SPs. She offers retreats, spiritual direction and workshops.

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Sister Tracey Horan honored by USCCB

On June 14, Sister of Providence Tracey Horan was honored by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for her work ministering in social justice.

Sister Tracey, then a second-year novice with the Congregation, received the 2017

Cardinal Bernardin New Leadership Award from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, the USCCB’s domestic anti-poverty and social justice program.

Sister Tracey ministers as a Bilingual Community Organizer for the Indianapolis Congregation Action Network (IndyCAN).

“I think it is challenging to do social change work within the Church,” Sister Tracey said. “This gives me a lot of hope that there still continues to be people who want to make sure this legacy continues and remains essential to the mission of the Church.”

Sisters honor donors at annual dinner

On June 3, the Sisters of Providence recognized special donors during the annual Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Dinner at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. This year, the sisters chose Sue and John Heck of West Terre Haute, Indiana, for the Queen Amelia Award.

Marilyn Rausch of Indianapolis was awarded the Sarah and Joseph Thralls Award.
Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Companions Awards were given to Annette “Mickey” Lentz of Indianapolis; Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College President Dr. Dottie King; Fred Nation of Terre Haute, Indiana; Margaret McElroy of Charlottesville, Virginia and employees of Select Rehabilitation who serve at Providence Health Care at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.


SMWC dedicates Sister Jeanne Knoerle sculpture

On Tuesday, June 6, administration at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (SMWC) unveiled a sculpture of one of its former leaders and Sister of Providence, Sister Jeanne Knoerle (RIP). Sister Jeanne was a Sister of Providence for 63 years. The sculpture was created by Jerry McKenna. His wife, Gail, graduated from the college in 1963.
During the ceremony, SMWC President Dr. Dottie King said, “I think (Sister Jeanne) had a distinct ability to always look forward. She was always visionary, ahead of her time.” Sister Jeanne ministered as president of the college in 1968 and remained in the position until 1983.

Advocating for people in need for 20 years

Sister Dorothy Rasche and the Connecting Link ministry celebrated 20 years of service to the West Terre Haute community on July 8 with an open house. Community leaders and residents joined sisters and friends for hot dogs, chips, cookies and drinks. The ministry has assisted more than 3,500 people with information, referrals and advocacy, assisting those in need of food, gas, money, furniture, clothing or basic services since it began in 1997.

High School reunion at the Woods

Alumnae of the former high school at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods for girls considering entering the Sisters of Providence gathered June 23, 2017. More than 120 women reminisced, laughed, sang and danced at the Providence Juniorate/Aspirancy reunion. The high school was in operation from the 1930s until 1965.


(Originally published in the Fall 2017 issue of HOPE magazine.)

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Sisters of Providence

The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, are a congregation of Roman Catholic women religious (sisters) who minister throughout the United States and Taiwan. Saint Mother Theodore Guerin founded the Sisters of Providence in 1840. The congregation has a mission of being God's Providence in the world by committing to performing works of love, mercy and justice in service among God's people.

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