Site author

Sister Barbara Battista

Content written by Sister Barbara


Light among darkness: A reflection for the second Sunday of Advent

By our actions and in our speech, we proclaim that no one is beyond God’s love



Taking a stand: ‘Hashtag’ NoFedExecution

“We support the life and respect the dignity of all persons and will continue in prayer for death row inmates and their families …”



Grassroots, indivisible

We find in joining with others to effect real social change that we ourselves are more hopeful, more able to embrace diversity, and more willing to engage others who look, think, or act differently than ourselves. As a nation, we have experienced quite a shift these days. Contributing to our democracy by joining a local Indivisible group, I experience the deep joy of contributing to the common good.


Sister Barbara Battista is a native of Indianapolis who currently ministers as the Congregation's Justice Promoter. She credits her social justice activism to her mother Alice's strong example. Raised in a large and extended Italian family household, Sister Barbara comes by community organizing quite naturally. She is a passionate and energetic advocate for full equity and equality for women and girls in church and society.

Sister profile

To learn more about Sister Barbara, view her sister profile page.