Site author

Sister Editha Ben

Content written by Sister Editha


Inviting the Holy Spirit into your life

As we celebrate Pentecost, the “process of discernment” comes to mind. I reflect on/imagine Jesus’ followers in a locked room, fearful, agitated and probably confused, uncertain as to what they needed to do now that Jesus was no longer with them. Mary, Jesus’ mother, was with the disciples in the Upper Room. All through her…



A Lenten message

Traditionally, Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and has been thought of as a time to give up something. This action creates a reminder of repentance and renewal in one’s relationship with God and others. However, today many prefer to think of this time as not “giving up something” but rather as addressing personal habits that…



A Valentine message from Sister Editha

We pray that God will bless you with an abundance of love and that you will share your love with all those who are special in your life. We pray that God’s love, compassion and generosity will continue to shine throughout your life in all that you say and do. If you would like to…



You can be someone’s present!

Share the true expression of the Christmas spirit! Invite an elderly neighbor to dinner, visit a person who is homebound, clean the house of a single parent, comfort someone who is grieving or make a care package for someone who has lost his/her job. Simply reaching out to someone in need is the true expression…


Sister Editha Ben currently ministers in the Congregation's Mission Advancement Department.