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Sister Denise Wilkinson

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Content written by Sister Denise
Side by side: our time of need is now
No matter the challenge, you help us solve it. No matter the project, you respond with love and generosity.
Musings on wearing and making masks
Let’s take our place then in a long history of mask wearers and mask makers. Let our masks keep ourselves and our neighbors safe and well.
Sisters of Providence respond to compelling need for health care
The willingness of the Providence Health Care staff to forgo the efficiency of a set schedule in favor of a more spontaneous model of care speaks volumes for their commitment to recognizing and respecting the dignity and individuality of persons in their care.
Day by day with Saint Mother Theodore Guerin
I feel inclined to talk with Saint Mother Theodore about what’s worrying me, or making me happy or driving me crazy. “Another means for preserving the peace is to let little things pass without noticing them,” she said.
Be with me in my searching: Sisters of Providence discernment prayer
God of hope and possibilities,I am searching.
I have the energy and desire to work with others for the good of all others.
But how, when, where, with whom?
Wisdom and the future of religious life
We Sisters of Providence don’t believe religious life is dead. That we cannot see how religious life will be lived in the future doesn’t keep us from believing that it will.
Saint Mother Theodore: The real woman behind the image
I find this image of Mother Theodore very compelling. Because it hangs in my work space, I see it often. For me the image conveys an entirely different way to know Mother Theodore. This isn’t the iconic formal portrait of Mother Theodore. It is not the grey, grainy daguerreotype giving us the most accurate way…
Reflecting on Palm Sunday 2019
Does Palm Sunday mark the beginning of the last chapter in the life of Jesus?
Education in everyday caring makes a difference
Staff members who participated in dementia care training share how it makes a difference in their everyday care giving: Don’t take any behaviors personally.** Build trust by spending time with each person.** Learn to read the cues of a person. A non-verbal person may ordinarily smile as a greeting; but if there’s no smile, she’s having a bad time of it.
Advent 2018: So many possibilities in the waiting
The days of Advent, the Church’s season of waiting, holds so many possibilities for us
HOME, a place to nurture the well-being of others
It is rare that a Sister of Providence going to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods doesn’t say, “I’m going home.” It is rare that visitors to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods campus don’t remark on the beauty, the peace and comfort they experience on the campus. It is rare that the Woods isn’t described as a special place or as welcoming….
Musings on Kleenex and ‘Kin-dom’
The kin-dom of God is like a Kleenex that’s been washed, rinsed, spun dry in a washing machine
Sister Denise was the general superior of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods from 2006-2016. She previously served as a high school teacher, college administrator, postulant/novice director and director of advancement and communications for the Congregation. Currently, Sister Denise serves the Congregation in various volunteer positions.
Sister profile
To learn more about Sister Denise, view her sister profile page.