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Connie McCammon

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Content written by Connie
Mary Weber and Gary Meister: ‘a God of surprises’
Mary Weber and Gary Meister of Indianapolis made their first commitments as Providence Associates in November 2008. Sister Marceline Mattingly was the companion for this couple. Among their many ways of serving others, Mary and Gary have opened their home to a Providence Cristo Rey High School student, Jude Okpalannaka. 1.) How did you and…
Annmarie Portela: ‘With this decision, I am truly content’
Annmarie Portela and her husband, two daughters and their golden retriever live in St. John, Ind. Her companion was Sister Ellen Cunningham. 1.) Why did you want to become a Providence Associate? In addition to having a great fondness for the Sisters of Providence, the possibility of becoming a Providence Associate came at a most…
Barbara and Kathy Kothlow: Keeping Alive Saint Mother Theodore’s Story of Faith
Saint Mother Theodore Guerin — now that she’s been canonized by the Catholic Church, how do people keep the story of her faith and trust in Providence alive? For Barbara (Curtis) Kothlow of Riverside, Calif., and her daughter, Kathy, it’s kept alive by sharing her story with the children and adults of St. Francis de…
Preparing for perpetual vows: Sister Janice Smith finds wholeness
This article is reprinted from fall 2007 issue of HOPE. A six-figure salary, a fulfilling job, good friends, a serious relationship, a condo in California and a great extended family — Sister Janice Smith thought she had it all. Motivated to succeed, Sister Janice soon scratched off several accomplishments from her check list after graduating…
Therese Maxwell: A Daughter of the Woods
“I am a daughter of Mother Theodore with all that implies,” said Therese Maxwell, a former Sister of Providence. “My foundation in prayer and service began under the tutelage of this woman’s descendants and is so much a part of me that I can’t separate myself from the community.” That tutelage began when Therese was…
Geoff and Josephine “Josie” Fox: Art Appreciation
Art, English, physics and motocross racing — these four areas have made for a very interesting life for Geoff and Josephine “Josie” Fox. The art, English and physics brought them together. The racing, however, allowed them to bring all their gifts together to create not only a well recognized family business, but also the means…
A centennial celebration
This article is reprinted from summer 2007 issue of HOPE. A place to worship — from the moment Saint Mother Theodore Guerin stepped foot on this hallowed ground at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods there has always been a deep-seated desire for a sacred place to honor the Blessed Sacrament. Mother Theodore, however, was not prepared for the…
In their own words: Dan Thralls
This article is reprinted from winter 2007 issue of HOPE. Many words have been written and spoken to describe the canonization of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin. Sisters of Providence and pilgrims who traveled with the Congregation share their thoughts and feelings about this once-in-a-lifetime event. Here are thoughts from Dan Thralls of Lafayette, Ind. Dan…
In their own words: Sister Diane Ris
This article is reprinted from winter 2007 issue of HOPE. Many words have been written and spoken to describe the canonization of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin. Sisters of Providence and pilgrims who traveled with the Congregation share their thoughts and feelings about this once-in-a-lifetime event. These words are from Sister Diane Ris, former general superior;…
Ann Wagner Harper: Finding the Silver Lining
“Look for the silver lining.” That musical line has been the personal mantra of Ann Wagner Harper for many years. During her days on radio and television and later as a professor at Butler University, Indianapolis, Ann often repeated these words as she blazed new trails for women. The oldest of six children of the…
Mary Kathleen Fleming: A Heart for Providence
At one point in her life she answered to Sister Melanie. Today, she answers to Kathleen or to Kathy when called that by close friends. During the 1970s, when the Catholic Church was going through monumental changes, she, too, was going through her own challenges. Mary Kathleen Fleming entered the Congregation in 1956 after graduating…
Finding a source of fuel
Fueling the Congregation’s needs at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods has always been of utmost importance, starting in 1840 when Blessed Mother Theodore Guerin, the foundress, first stepped foot on this sacred ground. Wood sufficed in the early years, but as the Congregation grew, so did the need for dependable, reliable fuel. In 1890, the Sisters of Providence…
Connie McCammon worked in the communications office for the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.