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Cheryl Casselman

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Content written by Cheryl
Music lessons with Sister Regina Marie
As a new Sister of Providence, Sister Joni saw how important music was to her sisters. She wanted to make sure she honored the rich history of music that dates back to Saint Mother Theodore’s time.
“I wanted to be able to join in the traditional songs and capture the passion the sisters have when they sing.”
Did you know … cloth diapering makes a difference?
Did you know the Sisters of Providence sell cloth diapers in our gift shop at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods? Are you wondering why a religious order is selling cloth diapers?
Did you know we need volunteer knitters?
Do you knit or crochet? Would you like to work with alpaca yarn as a volunteer? We would love to talk with you.
Sister Ruth Johnson: kinship with creation
“We have forced the planet to supply all our needs and given nothing in return — thus alienating our very life source and now the earth cries out in pain. How can we abandon that cry?”
Inspiring exercisers
I dread going to the gym to workout on the machines this time of year because it’s like a race to the finish to try to get a treadmill before they’re all checked out by others. Group fitness classes are another story. I love a room packed with people moving together and jumping to the beat of some loud music. Either way, there’s something good about the community aspect of it all.
These thoughts got me wondering if I could find any Sisters of Providence who work out. Whew! Did I ever. And it was more inspiring than I imagined.
Sister Ann Sullivan celebrates golden jubilee
Sister Ann Sullivan, founding director of White Violet Center for Eco-Justice, was one of 10 Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods who recently celebrated their 50th anniversary as members of the Congregation.
From foodie to environmentalist
“Being a foodie has made me an environmentalist,” she said. “I think that if you care about what you consume, you have to be mindful of the condition of our Earth on which it’s grown. I believe that carefully grown whole foods are the very basis of health. My greatest joys in life come when preparing and sharing great food with loved ones.”
Tried and true farming techniques benefit Earth
The best technology for the job isn’t always something from The Jetsons. Sometimes Little House on the Prairie methods still work best.
Care of Earth in everyday life: Sisters Ellen Cunningham and Rosemary Nudd
Sisters Rosemary Nudd, Ellen Cunningham and Dorothy Rasche walk the talk by living and demonstrating care of Earth in their everyday lives.
Earth as home
(This article was originally published in the Summer 2013 edition of HOPE.) If you spend any amount of time with a Sister of Providence or a group of sisters, you will quickly learn that taking care of Earth as home is important to them as a Congregation. You’ll hear them use terms like “enoughness” and…
Blessing of the Christmas tree
Dear God, Two thousand years ago, you brought your son, Jesus, into this world to teach us the power of love and sacrifice. As we raise this tree, we remember his birth and the meaning of his life for us. Bless this tree as a symbol of our celebration of Jesus’ birth and our gratitude…
Rock star for justice
It’s not every day you pick up a Rolling Stone magazine and know someone being featured in one of the articles, but that’s what happened to me last week. I’ve been to rock concerts, but I’ve never been backstage. I’ve interviewed country music stars like Faith Hill and Pirates of the Mississippi for a short-lived…
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Cheryl Casselman worked as a marketing manager for the Sisters of Providence for twenty years. She grew up in Camby, Indiana and now lives in Sullivan County, Indiana. She has a bachelor's degree in communications from Indiana State University and master's degree in Leadership Development from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College.