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At this time, our site contains all Sisters of Providence obituaries beginning in 2009.

Found 350 Results


Sister Mary Germaine Grojean

Published on September 24, 2004

“I am indeed going to prepare a place for you … .” (John 14:3) “On Sept. 24, those of us gathered around Sister Mary Germaine in her room in Mother…

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Sister Rose Therese Welp

Published on September 12, 2004

“Show by your good life that your works are done with gentleness born of wisdom.” (James 3:13b) “Who can read these words without thinking of Sister Rose Therese? If ever…

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Sister Patricia Monahan

Published on September 6, 2004

“O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you.” (Psalm 63:1) “Sister Patricia Monahan found Psalm 63 very meaningful. Perhaps in the early hours of the morning Sept.…

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Sister Elizabeth Ann Flori

Published on September 1, 2004

“O God, you have searched me and you know me … with all my ways you are acquainted.” (Psalm 139:1-3) “How well do we know Sister Elizabeth Ann Flori? Does…

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Sister Elizabeth Clare Vrabely

Published on August 7, 2004

“I think that what we suffer in this life can never be compared to the glory as yet unrevealed, which is waiting for us.” (Romans 8:18) “When Sister Elizabeth Clare…

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Sister Virginia Broderick

Published on April 6, 2004

“For the Lord has comforted his people and will have compassion on his suffering ones.” (Isaiah 49:13) “Just a few minutes after Sister Virginia Broderick breathed her last, we read…

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Sister Mary Helen Neff

Published on March 29, 2004

“This is to my father“s glory, that you bear much fruit … .” (John 15:8) “Just as the seed grows in secret – we know not how – so the…

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Sister Eleanor McAuliffe

Published on March 29, 2004

“O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you.” (Psalm 63:1) “This afternoon, we come together to celebrate the life and ministry of Sister Eleanor McAuliffe and to revere…

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Sister Francetta Brown

Published on February 13, 2004

“So stand your ground, with truth buckled round your waist, … wearing as shoes on your feet the eagerness to spread the Gospel of peace … .” (Ephesians 6:14-15) “St.…

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Sister Agnes Joan Li

Published on January 17, 2004

“Sister Agnes Joan has been a heroine … . She really deserves much credit and a place of honor in our history.” (Mother Marie Gratia Luking, quoted in “Against All…

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Sister Rosalie Cullen, formerly Sister James Clare

Published on August 7, 2003

The prophet Isaiah proclaims: “Have you not known? Have you not heard? I am the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. I do not grow tired…

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Sister Bernadetta Ryan

Published on February 7, 2002

To all who knew her, she was the charming, upbeat person who could uplift your spirit and renew your energy

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